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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha is pictured here in India during the last Innersearch. You too can enjoy a powerful pilgrimage and study program… Join the next innersearch!

And as announced before we have completely caught up with Bodhinatha weekly discourse and will be linking a new talk every day until we are current with this phase.

So watch the side bar….everyone is really enjoying the talks on shum!

After a wonderful Abhishekam in the Kadavul Temple, Heidi Tordrup and her lovely children met with Paramacharya Ceyonswami. He answered their many questions about God Siva, karma, reincarnation, gems and Vedic Astrology. Sadhaka Haranandinatha also presented them with a map of the Ganesha Temple in Herning, Denmark which is just a few kilometers away from where they live! Their experience here has endeared them to Saivism, but they had no idea that there was a Hindu Ganesha Temple so close to home replete with a Saivite Tamil community. This is one happy family! Gurudeva visited the Ganesha Temple in Herning, Denmark in 2001!

Here are the Tordrup family on the banks of the very sacred Wailua River.

Here they are with Palaniswami.

They are going home with a few CD’s with art and Aums.

Yesterday was tour day… over 70 people in the 9 AM group!

A beautiful tour day dawns and another large group of ‘seekers’ arrive for a wonderful uplifting tour of the Iraivan Temple with Sadhaka Satyanatha.

The 11 am tour brought another 40-50 visitors.

A sun-drenched morning with the Shilpis who never tire of showing the visitors ‘how its done.’ They demonstrate their skills under the watchful eyes of all present. The Oh’s! and Ah’s! are audible as the visitors observe in wonder the magnificent stone-carving in progress by these truly great artisans from South India.

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Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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