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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Mahendran, Krishnamurthy and Thenagaran visited us from Singapore for a couple days. They’ve wanted to visit for a long time, and one of them used to attend Kulapati Dohadeva’s Saivism classes years ago. They had a a good darshan meeting with Bodhinatha.

They asked good questions about how to practice more religion in such a hectic work schedule that Singapore puts them through. Companies typically make employees work much longer hours than they should. One of the men leaves for work at 6:30am and heads back home at 10pm. Bodhinatha gave advice about how their Hindu principles can be practiced right in the workplace.

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Dasami Tithi, Sun One, Saturday, January 27th.

Today was Sun 5, the day the Ganapati Kulam shares news on it’s activities. The focus has been on the last days of the editorial production side of the April issue of Hinduism Today. Another project being undertaken by task forcer, Joe Chikiar is putting Lemurian Scrolls on line. If you have not purchased the new edition, you really, really should! Today we offer you a sampling of color artwork in the latest edition. It is comprised of three very unusual kinds of art. We have the fabulous depictions of scenes from ancient Lemuria as described in the book, rendered by our artist iWayan in Bali. Then we have also exquisite patterns hand crafted by our own Sannyasin Natarajnathaswami and finally a special treat: “finger paintings” done by Gurudeva himself. Gurudeva used wet vibhuti to draw these images, which were later scanned and superimposed on textures. These web images do not do just to what is in the book. Click here to get your copy today!

This first painting is called “Pilgrimage to Earth” being a representation of a soul, just arriving from another planet, manifesting into the Earth atmosphere by absorbing the pranic offerings.

“First Temples” depicts the living appearance of Mahadevas on the platform, communicating directly with devotees.

“Continuity of Wisdom” from the chapter describing the artisan-apprentice system of passing knowledge of ancient crafts and skill to the next generation.

“Message from Devas” depicts someone meditating in nature and the inner plane spirit send messages which come thru bird song and other signs of nature.

“Senior Minority Group” Depicts the ancient system of administration of monasteries by the senior most residents who gather to listen to the guidance from the Guru’s secretary and to report their observations on monastic life back to the Guru.

One of Natarajnathaswami’s masterful patterns.

Paintings by Gurudeva.

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