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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Karthik and Archana brought their 8-month-old Advait from Vancouver for blessings. The couple visited here first in 2005, then met Bodhinatha briefly in Vancouver when their son was only a few weeks old, and now have come to Kauai again. Karthik said there is just something about this monastery/temple that he can’t describe, really likes it and wants to come back once a year. Little Advait was ceremoniously carried into the sacred sanctum of the Kadavul Siva Temple this morning for a special blessing.

A very happy and satisfied family as they prepared for their departure on the people mover.

Off to the west, Sacred Mt. Waialeale “place of many waters” mystically ringed by an almost constant presence of clouds, these past few windless days.

In front of the Iraivan Temple where they learned about the wonders of this awesome temple from the Shilpis themselves who spoke their language, Tamil.

Today was also tour day and Chelliah, a fine artisan, is drawing and explaining a design for the many curious and very interested visitors.

Rejendran showing our visitors how it is done. Try it, its easy!!!

And speaking of temples… we bring you today another slide show of pictures from the monastic Yatra to India.


On the publications front we have received a big break through from India. Ten Questions People Ask About Hinduism has been translated into Telegu! Read about it below.

You can also:
Click here to view a large sized image of the cover.
Click here to download the PDF for printing.


And to close today’s TAKA, photos from our two tours. The first one had 100 people and the second one, 60.

Here is the 9am group. A wonderful group of smiling souls greeted Satya for their morning tour of the Iraivan Temple. People from many different countries all eager to hear about the magical Hindu Temple that is being constructed here on the Island of Kauai. Some read about Iraivan on-line while others hear about Iraivan from others who have experienced this sacred site.

The 11 am tour with Sadhaka Satya who patiently answers all of their questions and explains the joys of Hinduism and the glorious future of Iraivan to all.

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