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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

A little news from Bodhinatha’s world. For decades before Gurudeva’s Mahasamadhi, Bodhinatha was the chief administrator for Saiva Siddhanta Church. After Gurudeva’s Maha Samadhi he began training the Pillaiyar Kulam, especially Yogi Jivanandanatha, to take over many of those administrative responsibilities.

We are happy to share with you that five years later he is now free enough to spend more and more time on the religious and spiritual teachings. Recently he has been able to get deep into the Shum Language so we thought to day to share a bit about Shum with you.

Here is Bodhinatha in the Guru Peedam, and today we will take you for a little tour of the Guru Peedam wall images and Shum Murals.

On the West wall of we have arranged some incredible wood inlays of stories of the Guru Parampara.

Hanging, on the north wall, left and right of the peedam are two large murals with the Shum portraits for the dimensions and the chakras. This one is the seven dimensions.

On the right: the seven chakras

This is “aarehooshum” the first dimension, the inside of things you cannot see or touch.

“seeawvumne” the second dimension of things you can see and touch.

“Rehooneshum” the 3rd dimension of odic magnetic forces between people and people and people and their things.

“Simvumkame” The 4th dimension, mountain top, overview consciousness that surveys the 3 dimensions below while being in touch with the higher dimensions.

“lingingdashummm” the 5th dimension, where things are present in all phases of their manifestation; past, present and future.

“ingmamlemne” the 6th dimension where forms exist as inner light, sound and colors.

“Eelemingshum” the 7th dimension of pure awareness; endless inner space.

Awkalesimbe: the first chakra of memory and self-preservation.

Rehnamtyavum: the second chakra of reason.

Be vum be ka: the third chakra of will power.

Rehmtyanale: the 4th chakra of direct cognition, the heart chakra.

Kalingkasim: the 5th chakra of divine, all pervading love.

Tyamavumna: the sixth chakra of Divine Sight, the Ajna chakra.

kamakadeeesareh: the 7th Chakra, the crown chakra.
Shum provides a road map of the inner mind allowing the seasoned meditator who has mastered the basics of mind control, to freely travel and explore the inner worlds. It is akin to the “laya” yoga systems where yogis would explore inner realms using various symbols. And if you read some of the ancient writings of Gorakshanatha you see he describes visualization that are almost exactly the same as areas of consciousness that Gurudeva has detailed in shum.
You can find out more about the inner mind by reading “Merging with Siva.”
And we bring you a slide show from the 2nd and 3rd dimensions of our Golden Gate mission where our Kulamatas sew up the work outfits for the monks. Of course their hands are in the 2nd and 3 dimensions, but their hearts and minds are in the 4th and 5 dimensions from where the spirit of karma yoga arises.


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