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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha watches a small hula group who came to perform for him today…

Palaniswami shares stories first to the group.

Next the performance. Brief video excerpts below.

Meanwhile the rain on the mountain is making the Wailua river fill up.

A brief explanation from one of the hula leaders

We want to thank Ahilan Arulanandan for his help these past few days. It was a short 5 day task force, but rewarding for everyone. He’s on his way back home to Berkeley tomorrow, where he will continue his university studies.

Ahilan has been helping with the publications team in the morning and the Siddhidata Kulam in the afternoon.

This is Mark Amaru Pinkham, one of the North American Commanders of the International Order of Gnostic Templars who are dedicated to the Revival of Gnostic Wisdom. Visit their web site at He lives in Sedona. (Sorry about the focus….)

Mark is enthused by what he sees in the work of the monastery as so much of the Hindu tradition is in alignment with the western Gnostic tradition. He talks with Paramacharya Palaniswami about possible collaboration.

Long time devotee Sivagnanam (left) from Edmonton is here with his son Sugumar (right). Sivagnanam has been working closely with the monastic order since the early 1980’s, and was instrumental in seeing the Ganesha temple come into manifestation in Edmonton. And also we have with us long time Hinduism Today subscribers, Mr. and Mrs. Arjan Daswani who live in New Jersey.

Next we bring you an all important event of this New Year. The entry of a new monk into our midst. After many years of study, overcoming so many obstacles with strength of dedication, Satya Subramaniam took his formal Sadhaka Vows during our last retreat. Our slide show below has the story.


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