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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha Day 1

We begin our winter retreat today…TAKA captions may be very quiet during this period.

Now we go back a few days.

This is Sivalayadeepam or Krittikadeepam, the great day when Siva is worshipped as an Infinite Pillar of Light. The monks have placed lamps around Nandi.

Inside Kadavul the crystal lingam is bathed in light.

Light, light! Everywhere light.

And more light.

Small clay lamps are placed on the shrine steps.

Their glow a reminder of the spiritual light that illumines our thoughts.

The clear white light that is within.

The blessed light that is Siva’s presence in all.

Out at the temple site the new pillars begin to show the shape of the Maha Mandapam.

Giving a sense of the overall shape of Iraivan Temple.

Nearby many stones wait their turn.

Sheltered by his stone and tile pavilion, Nandi sits near the Kadavul pool on a retreat, kneeling before His Lord Siva, ever watchful.

It is the day of Bodhinatha’s return from his journey to India, Singapore and Malaysia. It is also the day of the departure of three pilgrims to India for six weeks. The silpis have all come to see our team off to Tamil Nadu, their homeland.

Yogi Japendranatha waits near the car for the ride to the airport. He and the other two say a few brief words in today’s video clip of the departure.

Sannyasin Yoginathaswami arrives next, ready for his first-ever pilgrimage in India. He has been working hard for several months to prepare for this moment.

Part of the preparation was to work out six weeks of carving for the silpi team.

Sadhaka Jothinatha arrives, ready for his journey. He was last in India in 1989, so this is an important pilgrimage.

The silpis offer their “Nala pasanam,” to our three wayfarers.

Only a monk could travel for six weeks and take only a carry-on case.

Bodhinatha who arrived back from Singapore earlier in the day…. blesses the journey. He has been aware of every tiny detail of their itinerary and has given personal inner instructions to each one.

Below is a video of our departing yatrikas.

Bodhinatha in Singapore and Malaysia

We have a few more sets of photos from Arumugaswami who is back home now and has more to share from the trip. Here we are in Johor having come over from Singapore for a big event.

Bodhinatha is greeted for the evening program in Johor Baru arranged for students and the public.

About 200 people attended the well-organized program which included a lengthy introduction to Bodhinatha and the Iraivan temple project.

A renowned Chinese flute player performed for the event.

Bodhinatha’s talk on spiritual life.

A traditional parting gift if given as the evening ends and we return to Singapore for the night.

Sunrise on Kauai

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