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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Another one of Lord Murugan’s men moves forward today. Dharmaraj took his Supplicancy pledges today.

He reads aloud the three pledges of Celibacy, Humility and Obedience before Bodhinatha and the other monks.

Official booklets are signed and witnessed by those present.

It is always a great day in the monastic order when another soul makes new commitments to the path of service and Self-Realization. Sivanadiyar Dharmaraj!

Kula School First Graders Visit

Robin (on the right) a First Grade teacher from the Kula School brought seven students (age 6 and 7) to visit today. Here they are surrounding Lord Ganesha on the path to the Iraivan temple.

On the way they stopped to feed the fish in the ponds near the path of the Saiva Saints.

There was quite a feeding frenzy going on as the different species took advantage of the food offered.

Next we are off to visit the silpies.

Time to try carving… first, eye glasses for everyone.

Here is Kula putting her hand to the job.

Shannon applies his newly found skill of carving stone with great concentration .

These seven year olds showed great interest in the many wonders of Iraivan and asked many questions . As they left, they thanked the Shilpis and called out “Nandri” as they climbed aboard the ‘people-mover’ for their next adventure.

Off to see “Deepti.” Here she is — a loving, friendly eight-week old female calf. At first a little in awe of all the attention showered upon her, she soon began to nuzzle all the children and seemed to enjoy the stroking and petting as they plied her with alfalfa cubes.

Back at Kadavul, checking out the temple through the binoculars.

One last stop at the Kadavul Hindu Temple where they received the blessings of Paramacharya Ceyonswami. Swami explained a little about Gurudeva, the importance of meditation in a monk’s life, and the about the stars and planets on the jyotish display.

Puli is enjoying a nap under the hot air vent from our giant OSX server at the publications building.

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