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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun One we begin a new phase having completed the official four days of Maha Samadhi observances. Today after our homa, Bodhinatha gives his weekly discourse.

But before we start with today’s photos we bring you excerpts from the very powerful final Guru puja held on the actual Maha Samadhi day,Chitra Nakshatra morning. It is performed by Janahan whose training is in the Kriya tradition, from his father-in-law, Sri Haran. He likes to bring in the participation of the devotees who will be called upon to repeat mantras during the ceremonies. He also does a wonderful thing by reading the English meanings of Gurudeva’s 108 names… This video is 15 minutes long, so be prepared to stay tuned as it is quite a deep experience, from the early morning Kadavul Temple guha (cave.)

And tomorrow we will bring you another video of Bodhinatha’s last seminar with the sishya.

Sadhaka Jivanandanatha performs the homa today.

Two ceremonies were performed today, starting with the Vishesha Diksha initiation of Jutikadeva Saravan. She reads her vows before the sacred fire.

Her booklet of membership is signed and witnessed documenting the initiation.

The passing of the shakti from Guru to Sishya is done by placing hands on head…

Next, Ganga Sivanathan, takes her vegetarian vrata. She is already a vegetarian, but is now taking a formal vow.

All the birds, animals and fish are so happy now to hear about this compassionate human!

Bodhinatha’s talk today is on the four stages of Saiva Siddhanta, Charya, Kriya, Yoga and Jnana.

He stresses the importance of the foundations of bhakti and good conduct as a strong platform for meditation.

The crystal Sivalingam looks so bright with many flower decorations from all the devotees.

And, from one of the cameras of our devotees, the Swayambhu Lingam of San Marga, close up, looking deep and profound, like the temples of India, like the Ganesha of Pillaiyarpatti, Tamil Nadu.

Tour Day at Iraivan

It was tour day today… visitors try their hand at carving.

Despite the language barrier our silpis put on a good show. Rajendran here….


The nine am tour, over 50 people.

Eleven am tour… about 40 here making a total of over 90 souls visiting today.

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