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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha has arrived home today from his short trip to California.

Monks standing by for his arrival

Pilgrims are here for the annual observances of Gurudeva’s Maha Samadhi.

A magnificent hibiscus for our arriving Satguru.

It was tour day today… about 25 visitors in the 9 am group.

Chipping the stone at Iraivan is always an intriguing moment.

Another 25 or so in the 11 am group.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

On Sunday October 1, a special ceremony was organized at the Spiritual Park at our center in Mauritius, for students sitting for their end of year exams. Many youth attended the ceremony…

….to seek the special Blessings of Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati.

Many devotees came earlier to give a helping hand.

Devotees inside the Mandapam

Many children could have a seat closer to the Deity…

Devotional songs filled the air while the sivacharya conducted the elaborate puja.

Everyone had their minds on the ceremony.

The puja about to end. Kulapaties Manon and Moorghen making offerings under the guidance of the hired priest.

An artee is being performed at the framed photo of Gurudeva.

The crowd outside waiting for the arati flame and a special gift is about to be offered to students.

Students and parents going for the blessed gift….

Blessed writing materials for those taking their school exams soon…

Our two senior Ammas, Mrs Iyaloo (left) and Indranee Veerasamy always encouraging the youth to move forward.

devotees at the food serving station.

Due to lack of parking space on the adjacent roads, a few vehicles are parked inside the Park.

The Dakshinamurthi has now a new tiles and bricks base replacing the old base.

Devotees are happy to freely worship Lord Siva here now.

The wooden Ganesha Bridge leading to Ganesha Mandapam is being reconstructed. It will now be fitted with concrete pillars to resist decay. The new bridge is at present under construction. The new plan….

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