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Join Bodhinatha on Innersearch

Here is Bodhinatha in Tanjavur temple, India.

It’s quiet at the Aadheenam, we will use this opportunity to encourage you to start making plans to join the 2008 Innersearch.

At home today: Japanese tour group came. You can always know they are from Japan as the shoes are all perfectly lined up outside the temple. The Ganapati Kulam gave their report which is largely centered on two major publications coming up: a 416-page coffeetable book called “What is Hinduism?” and a small but important booklet “All About Kauai’s Hindu Monastery.”

The monks and local families are all beginning to make preparations for the Maha Samadhi observances this year, October 18-21. Isani Alahan and Uma Sivananda were here this morning, caring for the gardens, planting new additions and in general making it even more beautiful than ever. And visitors seemed to come and go all morning, looked after by Shama Vinayaga.

Taskforcer Robert Brown finished his video CD duplicating project and then dove into Photoshop with Natarajnathaswami, making color corrections to our newest artwork by local painter Evelyn de Buhr. It will be the cover of the booklet mentioned above.
Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming three-day retreat,
until Tritiya Tithi, Sun One, Monday, October 9th.

Our light hearted weekly banner to encourage you to come with us to Cambodia, Malaysia and on to India.

Yes, you could make set up a travel program on your own, but consider the benefits of Innersearch: all accommodations and travel are pre-arranged, guides to take care of you, wonderful classes, monks to chat with about spiritual matters, visits with otherwise-impossible-to-approach people and places, open doors to communities and temples. Click here to find out more about the coming innersearch.

These photos are taken, last July, of the Children’s School at the Sri Subramuniya Kottam, Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

The Sri Subramuniya Kottam provides religious and cultural classes, including Thevaram, music and meditation offering tuition-free tutoring for school-going children as well as providing scholarships for outstanding students of the Sri Subramuniya Kottam.

Saiva Siddhanta Church Sri Lanka Mission

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