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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha yesterday recorded more presentations for use in the coming Gurudeva Maha Samadhi observances.

It was Sun Four today. The Siddhidata Kulam gave their phase report of all the many things they are doing. Of course the major activities, Iraivan Temple, growing food and all kinds of maintenance.

Sadhaka Nilakantha is our “Anna Purna Gardens” manager and keeps a steady supply of food coming in.

This is a super, 44-pound Mauritius pumpkins… He’s saying “Can you take the picture… pleeeeeze! This is heavy!”

In preparation for annual Gurudeva Mahasamadhi, Sivanadiyar Satya is editing Gurudeva’s autobiographical video that was given during the Alaska Innersearch, taking the various classes and putting them all into one video.

It is quite a challenge, mainly because the audio recording that came with the video needs a lot of work.

We will put this on DVD and send out to all the sishya.

A local artist who was commissioned to do a piece of our new booklet “Kauai’s Hindu Monastery” has brought her finished work today.

It is done in two pieces, a background and foreground, to be digitally placed on top of each other.

Sannyasin Natarajnathaswami will scan these. The foreground has a pure white background.

Meanwhile we take the artist and her friend for a tour of the TI collection.

Her choice of one specimen to take home for her garden.

Back at the Ganapati Kulam… the art work is now “melded” together in the computer.

Robert Brown here at work. Today he is working with Yogi Japendranatha, selecting quotes for use in the “Quotes and Quips” page of the next issue of Hinduism Today.

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