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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Kulapati Adi Alahan and Kulamata Asha Alahan met with Bodhinatha today. They will be returning to California soon having come to Kauai to be with their children and grand children. Three generations dedicated to the Kailasa Parampara….

Adi is a skilled builder and is here helping to install supports for the new wooden carvings on the sides of the doors of Kadavul.

These will be mounted here with new lights above….

We have some big news from the Pillaiyar Kulam. Sadhaka Jivanandanatha, after working for “many moons” with the help of a cyber sevak, Venkat Dhurjati, who lives in Tennessee, has complete their new shop site.

Click here to check out the new design of

For the internet techies among our audience, we have moved from MIVA technology to the open source Zen Cart, and are very happy with the results.

Again, special thanks to Venkat for all his selfless service in helping us put together this new site.

New Aspirant Dharmaraj has been assigned full time to the Pillaiyar Kulam. He’s being trained by Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami.

He sends a big “hug” back home to his mother.

The Pillaiyar Kulam also got a giant new color copier.

It’s huge and does everything you can imagine.

Robert Brown is serving in the Ganapati Kulam this phase. Yesterday and today he has been working on getting all the metadata updated for a new interface to the cybertalks audio library on the web.

Teja is serving in the Siddhidata Kulam. Here he is helping Sadhaka Nilakantha in the garden.

OK, for green beans, we don’t transplant seedlings, we can go straight in with seed….

Lifetime subscriber Pundit Rohit Deocharan came with his wife today from Bronx, New York. Having read Hinduism Today since 1995, he has always longed to come and visit. It was a dream come true he said. Punditji is one of 200 Guyanese Pundits in the New York area, serving 200,000 Hindus. Now there’s a story to tell! Watch for it in Hinduism Today.

Tour Day At Iraivan

Iraivan looks magnificent in the distance, as over 120 souls are about to arrive.

Our tour days are getting “famous” .. stone chipping demonstrations are always interesting.

Silpi Chellaiah drew this design on the floor in just about 20 seconds, fascinating everyone on the tour.

The 9 am group: we count about 65 in the photo.

Peter Weed from North Carolina tests his skill as a stone carver. His wife enjoyed the tour so much last week that she came back with him, attended the puja, and bought Lemurian Scrolls. Thank you for coming!

“Wow, there is a stone ball inside his mouth!:

The 11am tour: 53 people in this photo and we know there were about another 10-20 people who came not shown here. So, today’s total visitors were approaching 140 or so!

Saiva Siddhanta Church Wailua Mission

Satsang at the Wailua mission recently brought together everyone for a big “Rudraksha Party”

With the Alahans and Sendan families here from the mainland it was a big group.

Really magnificent Rudraksha malas made with seeds freshly harvested from the sacred trees of San Marga.

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