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Bodhinatha in Singapore

Our TAKA today brings you Bodhinatha’s last day in Singapore. As we write he is already on his way home and will arrived tomorrow morning at the Aadheenam.

Acharya Kumarswami brings us the story .

On the 11th in Singapore, Bodhinatha enjoyed a walk through the Singapore Botanic Gardens. Actually the whole city is very garden-like as well. The city planners have done a remarkable job of keeping the greenery in tact as much as possible.

Here’s a large root rise with a carved lizard to greet visitors at the entrance.

A series of benches made of large wood slabs. We got lots of good ideas here to possibly implement in the future at the aadheenam.

This is in the middle of swam lake, carved from a single log. The garden was established in the 1860s by the British.

No, we didn’t get a downpour here, I’m shooting from underneath a waterfall.

A set of the handsome and practical signs that guide pilgrims through the park.

A massive granite railing of tasteful proportions. Bodhinatha and the pilgrims are in the background on the path along the waterway.

A blooming lotus. Raman got some better photos of the same flower�

Here is a large gazebo�nice design.

An artistic, naturally flowing walkway leading to it with curved railings made of wood.

A species of fig flower, so we gather.

Sivakumar and his son Easan walking with Bodhinatha in the Evolution section of the park. Easan is 3 years old.`

Here’s Easan again, energetic and adventurous.

Signs like this are placed throughout the park.

This section of the garden features a series of terrace waterfalls.

One of the massive old trees.

An effective trellis made from wrought iron.

Which way to go�

One of the most charming objects in the park, as you can see by Easan’s interest: a granite sphere in perpetual spinning motion, propelled by a stream of water. The secret is that there is also a high-pressure jet of water directly under the center of the stone that keeps it lifted enough to allow it to spin.

Beautiful wooden walkways in this section�

A banana flower.

In case you ever wondered how to support a young banana tree�

Resting after the two-hour walk�

Two of our photographers trying to get out of the way of our lens�

A roof garden, not unlike some of ours at the aadheenam� well almost.

That evening was satsang and pada puja at Dohadeva’s home.

Here Girish performs arati in the shrine room.

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