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Bodhinatha in Malaysia and Singapore

Here is Bodhinatha in Kuala Lumpur presenting Hinduism Today to a reporter from the Straits Times, in a 40-minute interview.

We’ve had many Hindu visitors in the past few days, but we will continue to bring the news from the missions overseas. Acharya Kumarswami brings us up-to-date with photos and captions from the last day in Kuala Lumpur and then two days in Singapore. Tomorrow, they begin their long journey home.

On the morning of the 8th at 10am Bodhinatha granted an interview with a reporter from the New Straits Times (

Before the interview, the professional photographer took a series of photos of Bodhinatha. We stood behind him and got some nice ones of our own, including this one.

Presenting Hinduism Today.

Sivajnani Nagappan’s darshan photo with Bodhinatha.

…members and students saying Aloha to Bodhinatha at the KL airport as he departs for Singapore.

Coming in for a landing above Singapore.

…and a warm welcome in Singapore.

With Dohadeva at the wheel, we head for the hotel.

Sept 9 was devoted to the first day of the “Spiritualizing Daily Life” Seminar, arranged the the Singapore Mission members. Here we see Bodhinatha in the hall where he conducted the seminar.

Bodhinatha has just inaugurated the seminar by doing arati to a small shrine. Our camera, lense fogged over from the AC, captures a slightly obscured image.

Exuberant participants. At right Sivakumaran, who was most instrumental in coordinating the event.

We were so engrossed, that we forgot all about taking photos today, for the most part, more to come tomorrow. Here, however, is a shot of some of the majestic skyscrapers of Singapore that we viewed on the way back to the hotel.

In Singapore the second day of Bodhinatha’s seminar, “Spiritualizing Daily Life” began at 8am with a welcoming for the satguru.

Then an arati to Lord Ganesha.

It was a lively seminar for all.

A group photo to end the very successful event.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

A few more photos from Mauritius of our Ganesha Chaturthi celebration at the Spiritual Park….. Devotees had a wonderful experience of the festival during the ceremony in the Mandapam.

Devotees inside the Mandapam…

Our leading singers of devotional songs for that occasion…

The Ganesha Homa at the Spiritual Park is becoming very famous in the island. Devotees burning their prayers are building a greater faith in the inner workings of Hinduism and are discovering the greatness of Lord Ganesha.

Devotees leaving the Park after having made their offerings and worshipped at the small Pancha Mukha Ganapati Shrine.

Vivek, one of our close Friends of the Park introducing our Hinduism Today magazine to visitors walking down the property…

Yudananda Munian, Ananda Mootoocurpen, Bala and Poobarlène have been taking care of offerings brought by devotees all through the day at the small Pancha Mukha Ganapati Shrine…Tired but happy to have served Lord Ganesha in this way…

At our food serving station…

Devotees waiting to be served…

Happy to be in a spiritual picnic mood…

Our two police women have been busy patrolling the property, mostly helping mothers find their kids strayed in the crowd…

A group of our enrolled MC students who took care of the HA books stall under the responsibility of Kulamata Premila.

Paramasiven and Kulapati Kulagan (left) who has co-ordinated the whole event.

Kulapati Mougam Periatumbee and his family…

Kulapati Koothan (2nd from left) with other sishyas from the south…

(from left) Krishna, Tirthadeva and Kevin have been helping selflessly all through the day….

Kulamata Premila Manick going out to serve some sweets to our seva staff …

While all these activities were happening outside, Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati continued to bestow divine Blessings on everyone present. Aum.

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