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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Three at the Aadheenam. The Pillaiyar Kulam gave their news today. Shanmuganathaswami is preparing for a big journey to the mainland with Bodhinatha. On the way they are meeting all kinds of different people about 10 places. It’s taking him a lot of time to prepare. Meanwhile Muruganathaswami has been shipping out lots of literature to be distributed at the various venues where Bodhinatha will be. Sadhaka Jothinatha is very focused on the advertising pages for the coming issue of Hinduism Today and Sadhaka Jivananandanatha has been as usually keeping up with a fast-paced flow of high finance and accounting as Bodhinatha meets with him daily for training and to turn over more administrative tasks to him.

The arrival and unloading of new containers is the big news at the Aadheenam.

They are yielding their gifts from India. These two swans are part of the new monastery archway entry gate.


Two of the five containers have been emptied by our team, which includes Pandian here.

And roofing stones.

And more crates.

Here are the first of the perimeter handrails that will be an important element in the future.

And more crates!

Inside two we get a glimpse of ornate black elephants which will stand near the new archway entrance gate.

A box of multi-colored granite cubes!

And another box of polished granites of various hues.

These are samples for future work to be done.

Pandian shows us a few of the highly polished tiles.

Jiva also sent white and black river rocks which are designed to go on the ground below the two elephants.

The team begins the day.

And more crates!

Note the way the large stones are secured to their supporting pallets.

All carefully marked in Bangalore so the Kauai team knows where they fit into the giant puzzle.

Aadheenam Guests Today

This morning a very lovely and interesting group of pilgrims and visitors arrived for the morning puja.

P. Thiyagarajan, a scientist, and his sweet wife Suganthi arrived from Chicago on a pilgrimage to this sacred Siva Temple. They are both active in the Chicago Hindu Temple and an associate, Dr. Janakiraman, highly recommended a visit to the Kauai Aadheenam. They both feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to come here and will return again.

Our entire group with Siva Yoginathaswami and two of our great silpis.

Mike and Gity Hebel. Mike is the retired Chief of Police and Attorney for the SFPD from San Francisco. Mike had previously met Gurudeva in the early 1970’s at the San Francisco Temple and knows a few of Gurudeva’s close devotees.

Aitreyia and Acoma Reifsnyder are from Arizona where they have a metaphysical shop and also perform Reiki in their studio.

. . . and in front of the Iraivan Temple.

. . . and with Siva Yoginathaswami who was very busy moving the newly arrived stones from India with the forklift.

Near the swayambhu lingam.

Then along the path of the Nayanar Saints past the lotus ponds to the Narmada Lingam where all participated in abhishekam with the ever-fresh mountain stream water.

Dr. Jane Nelson from California authored the Positive Discipline books and was honored in 1999 when Gurudeva chose her books as part of his program to create peace in the world through peace in the home. She has returned and will meet with H.H. Bodhinatha Veylanswami tomorrow morning.

Swami Anubhuvananda at Iraivan

More photos of our wonderful visitor, Swami Anubhavananda who went out to Iraivan yesterday.

Swami could not help himself when he found our sacred Wailua River and he waded out to sit on a rock.

Atop Muruga Hill

The sacred Rudraksha trees near Iraivan Temple are dropping tens of thousands of fresh fruits, called Blue Marbles in English.

The entire ground is covered.

This color is unique in the natural world, caused by the molecular structure which interacts with light at the surface of the skin in a refractive way, not a reflective way. This was documented in a Scientific American articles years ago.

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