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Bodhinatha With Children in Edmonton

We bring you another installment of photos from the Edmonton trip today (see below after the Aadheenam series) Here is Bodhinatha with the students of Aran Veylan’s religion class. Each of the kids received a pocketbook edition of Merging with Siva from Bodhinatha. They all wanted him to sign their copy!

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

As promised we bring you some shots of the Andara Stone which was gifted to the Aadheenam by Lady Nellie yesterday (see yesterday’s TAKA for details). We moved the stone to the courtyard ledge where he can get some sunshine. Saravananathaswami peers at the stone from the side.

Sadhaka Jothi joins him. It’s a really remarkable stone.

A giant obsidian, it has the appearance of being shiny and opaque from some angles.

But from other views, it is deep and translucent…

It gives the feeling of containing a whole other world inside.

Sadhaka Jothinatha on his way back to the Pillaiyar Kulam. He has some news for us soon of the outreach work he’s been coordinating and the team of “missionaries” that are manning our booths and tables at functions all across the country.

Two more artifacts grace our courtyard where we all eat lunch.

A giant gong that Gurudeva got many years ago. Signals the end of lunch and the beginning of some group activities.

It was Sun Four today and the Siddhidata Kulam detailed its Sivathondu this phase. In the lead of course was the Iraivan crane lift, moving stones and scaffolding. It’s a never ending logistical dance.

Iraivan Stone Carving Site in Bangalore

Jiva Rajasankara sends a few photos from India, saying:

Here are the photos for the Jalakoms completed. (Stone Lattice works)

All 3 jalakoms. You can also see this shed is being dismantled.

The Pothigai for the one Yalli pillar.

With this all the Rajagopuram stones are ready to be shipped . We still have some work on the cobra stone that comes in the front and one more Jalakom.

Aadheenam Guests

Sayanathan and Anubama Sivanathan, who now live in Canada, returned for the 9 a.m. Abishekam followed by an audience with Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami to receive a special blessing for their recent marriage.

Shebabrata Sheha, (right) who also lives in Canada, is an Operational Analyst for the Royal Bank of Canada. He came at this auspicious time to take part in the Guru Purnima Festivities which will be celebrated tomorrow when all Hindus honor their Guru.

Other visitors today included Kim Brunetto of Cupertino, California and Sharada Bose of San Diego. Also two therapists from the Deepak Chorpra Center in New York arrived with their two children. Albert and Monique Torok and Laila (age 13) and Sophia (age 11). Both children happily attend a Waldorf School.

We toured the Iraivan Temple and watched the creative silpis while they worked at flower designs. The beautiful and sacred designs on the pillars must be seen to be appreciated. Here is our group in front of the Iraivan Temple.

And later relaxing down at the sacred Wailua River.

Edmonton Journey Photos and News

Retrospective of Bodhinatha’s visit to Canada 7/2/06: this is a view of the Maha Ganapati Temple from the street entrance.

Bodhinatha is welcomed to the temple with traditional pada puja.

Downstairs they have a shrine for Gurudeva, honoring him for his assistance in building the temple. Bodhinatha worships before going upstairs to participate in the homa.

No photos are allowed inside the temple so we skip forward to the pradakshina parade of the deities. Here’s Bodhinatha and the head priest waiting for the utsava murthies to be carried out of the temple by some strong shouldered men.

Ganesha on a palanquin will be placed on the cart.

Ganesha and Siva/Sakti going round the temple.

Close-up photo of Siva.

Pradakshina completed.

Some of the members of Aran Veylan’s children’s class are outside the temple serving lemon aid to the crowd. It was Canada Day yesterday and this young man wishes to show us the (temporary) maple leaf tattoo that he got for the occasion.

Under the trees here is a little hut with red and white stripes which used to house a Ganesha murthy. It was formerly located on the spot where the main Ganesha sanctum of the temple is now located. Gurudeva walked through the woods after the property was obtained to pick the location of the sanctum.

Thanks to Saravan Veylan (pictured here) and Nitya Sivam for setting up the literature table for the day.

The morning of July 3rd Bodhinatha gave a three-hour seminar on Key Hindu Practices.

In the afternoon he met with the children’s class taught by Aran Veylan. They had many very intelligent questions for Bodhinatha. This is their last meeting before summer break. In the fall they’ll be learning how to do the Ganesha puja.

July 4th: Bodhinatha boarding the flight back to the USA in Vancouver.

Nitya Nadesan greets us at the Seattle airport.

Toshadeva Palani from Reno, Nevada and Sitara Alahan from Seattle have come to the hotel for Bodhinatha’s darshan.

Nitya and Becky Nadesan are treating Bodhinatha to a wonderful dinner at their favorite restaurant in Bellevue, Washington. The owner, Bill Khanna, seen here on the left has come out to welcome Bodhinatha.

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