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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun One begins another bright phase at the Aadheenam. Morning homa was followed by wonderful guests and pilgrims.

At lunch today the Lambodara Kulam shared news.

Work is proceeding steadily on the temple with a stone lift scheduled for tomorrow or the next day, pending crane schedules and good weather, of course.

A decision has been made to eventually gold-leaf more of the top of the temple… watch for it in the years ahead.

On going negotiations and planning are underway for the huge Panchaloka (five kinds of metal) base for the Crystal Lingam.

That’s the world of the Lambodara Kulam recently, with lots of coordinating with the Bangalore worksite in the past few days.

Morning homa photos tell their own story….

Bodhinatha gave a marvelous talk on Ashtanga Yoga after today’s homa….

Oh, look up there! Red jade flowers are blooming on high on vines that climb trees and hang down with amazing bunches of bright reds flowers.

Yoginathaswami top-side at Iraivan. Roof stones will be moved tomorrow.

Ganesha and Girija Ram are here with their 10-year-old son Aditya. Aditya speaks Tamil, Hindi and English and is in 5th Grade. Ganesha, his father is a software engineer in Houston, Texas. This lovely family is originally from Hyderbad, India. They now live in Katy, Texas, and are “so happy that this wonderful and sacred spiritual paradise is here.” They were accompanied by visitor Donna Trifilo.

Donna Trifilo came from San Francisco and remembers our little temple on 3575 Sacramento Street in that city. She recalls attending the Ganesha Festivals in the early 1980s at Baker Beach and says that “San Francisco has not been the same since that temple closed,” although, she added, “Gurudeva has chosen and created a truly beautiful sacred place on Kauai.”

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