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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha arrived late last night in Los Angeles and has been there all day today. This evening he had satsang with a group of devotees interested in sponsoring the large Hanuman murthi that is planned.

Here is Bodhinatha with a Koala bear in Australia on the last Innersearch.

Visiting Hindus Prema Wati Pahalad (retired RN) and her daughter Shobha Devi Pahalad (also an RN) originally from Fiji and now living in Vancouver, BC, Canada. came today and enjoyed a visit to the Iraivan Temple site.

Shobha remarked “what a beautiful and spiritual place for a temple!” Both Shobha and her mother plan to come back. In fact Shobha has been reading Gurudeva’s lessons for sometime now online.

Now for a little tour around Kadavul Temple area. Nandi, Siva’s mount, kneeling before the Kadavul Temple today.

The doors to the temple are graced by Ganesha and Muruga, recently gold leafed.

And inside, Gurudeva’s sacred sandals receive fresh flowers each day from the monks and pilgrims.

Outside the temple the sacred pool and grounds.

And a bonsai banyan. This one is 40-50 years old.

A wonderful visit begins today. Ralph Whitten and his wife Stevanne arrived to visit Ralph’s son, Yogi Japendranatha.

Steveanne is known in the world of children’s games as “Dr. Toy,” and she brought this peacock puppet for the monastery. And many other small gifts as well. Welcome, to you both.

The family took a walk in the gardens.

Our photographer today is Brahmachari Satya.

Obake anthuriums reach for the sun.

Under the palm tree above grow big clouds of special coleus plants, some of which exist nowhere else in the world, as they were crossed genetically and grown from seed by the monks.

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