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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Jim and Nancy Barnhart visited us today from Oregon in the northwestern US. They have visited us a few times now. Having been devotees of Paramahansa Yogananda in the Self Realization Fellowship for many years and considering themselves “Christian yogis,” after discovering Kauai Aadheenam they realized that the path they were following for so many years was, at its core, Hindu. Now they are happy to be learning more about pure Hinduism and really enjoyed the power of the pujas in Kadavul temple.

Yogi Japendranatha performs homa today.

The highlight of the morning: Aubrey Burke from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, takes his brahmacharya vrata.

He reads his vow before the fire.

Bodhinatha ties a cord around his waist.

Aubrey shaved his head this morning and is very happy. His father came on Task Force to Virginia City in the 1970’s and Aubrey has been listening to Gurudeva’s taped Master Course and hearing stories about him since he was a little boy.

Hanuman presides over the homa. Gurudeva had visions of Hanuman and He has always been close.

Bodhinatha gives his Sun One Talk, part of his presentation for his upcoming Montreal trip.

Monastic Retreat Days’ Events

This past retreat was Iraivan Day. Monks all pitch in together to prepare the monthly mailing to donors.

Receipts, prasadam, labels, return envelope. “OK, this group is Canada… this group is Malaysia… don’t mix them up!”

Out at the temple on Iraivan Day the work goes on… Sadhaka Tejadevanatha top side pressure washing the stones on the East edge of the North Gopuram.

We needed to get some special photos for the year end Annual report. Natarajnathaswami tries his hand with the new camera.

Here we are trying for a close up on the “Snake Course”

OK that’s it. Scales…

The next day was silpi outing day for this month.

A trip to a local five star Hotel is always fun. Here we are at the Mariott, which sports a very odd sort of decor and sculptures.

Chinnu poses with some white stone monkeys

Silpi Chelliaih

Inside the hotel, a huge carving of a Chinese warrior from the middle ages.

Big Koi ponds at the hotel. It was an uplifting and relaxing time for our hard working team of silpis.

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