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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Three today. The Pillaiyar Kulam reported on activities. Shanmuganathaswami is working, as he is always doing, on aspects of Hinduism Today subscription management. This time it was a renewal mailing which is handled by Kulamata Amala Seyon (thank you, Amala!)

He also helped prepare our first shrink-wrapped mailing of free literature for those who sign up at event promotions.

Sadhaka Jothinatha has been busy preparing the ad pages of the current issue of Hinduism Today that goes to press next week.

Sadhaka Jivanandanatha reported some major improvements and innovations on our web site by our associate IT man, Andre, who lives in Brazil.

Mr. Narendra and Mrs. Dhiraj Nanavati visited us from New Jersey today.

They are devotees of Swami Buaji Maharaj of New York, the amazing 118-year-old yogi who visits Kauai’s Hindu Monastery each Guru Purnima, and had heard much from him about our monastery.

They finally made it to the Garden Island and really enjoyed the monastery vibration and hearing about Gurudeva’s powerful visions that started Kadavul Temple and Iraivan Temple.

One of our new Kawasaki utility vehicles was customized to allow for two more seats in the back. A much larger people mover is currently being built to our specifications and will be coming soon, allowing us to show visitors around Siva’s home.

The San Marga swayambhu linga, discovered by
Gurudeva in 1975, after a series of visions of Lord Siva.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

The first Sunday of every month is a special day for many devout Hindus in Mauritius. They “book” this day to pilgrimage to the Spiritual Park to worship Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati there. The first Sunday of April was another big spiritual event.

The Ganesha Mandapam is always full with devotees on these occasions.

The Homa is lit and four kulapaties, the elders of the Spiritual Park, sit on the four sides to perform the ceremony.

Devotees sing devotional songs that uplifts everyone.

During the ceremony, hundreds of notes addressed to the inner worlds are sent through the sacred fire.

A youth rings the bell while notes are being burnt and the sacred mantras are chanted.

Kulapati Siven Kootan welcomed the devotees. He also showed them the kalasa, the golden spires, which will be placed on the roof of the new pavilion built for a smaller Pancha Ganapati murthi.

Brahmachari Vel offers a testimony about how Lord Ganesha helped his family group.

Tirumati Caremben shared her testimony about how Lord Ganesha helped her get healed from a fever.

In his talk Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo referred to an inspiring article he read in the recent issue of Hinduism Today.

Everyone listened attentively, even those those who could not find a seat inside the Mandapam.

Every month one family or a few families pull together to offer a simple but blessed meal following the Ganesha Homa at the the Spiritual Park.

Food is served to all devotees when the ceremony is over. It is a time of sharing, conversation and upliftment of the spirits of one and all.

Mr. Vencatasamy and his son are from the south of the island. He showed his appreciation for the selfless works accomplished by all those managing the Spiritual Park.

Worship continues at the small shrine where a small Pancha Ganapati murthi has been installed.

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