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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Our spring retreat begins today.

Yogaswami sang:

Oh my brethren and mothers, listen!
Live in the knowable truth that we’re divine.

Whoever can decipher and say what we are?
So why need we fear when all art Sivam?

Is it meet to forget the wise axiom of the Seers
That not an atom animates except by His Will?

‘Tis blessed to live in the world with the awareness
That not here nor there, but all pervading art Sivam.

It’s Sivathondu to live in peace with Sivathondar
Who realised by Eye of Grace the Light of Sivam

Ah! My lowly head adorns the Feet of Sages
Who glorify the Oneness of Truth Supreme.

Today is the Maha Samadhi day of Chellappaswami. Here Yogaswami is feeding his guru.

“He is my Lord
Who evokes the cherished love of
Father, mother and teacher in one.
He came and made me His own
The passing vanities vanished
I came into my own true being
And realised my eternal self.
Oh beauteous one, as tender as a cuckoo
Everything Thou seest is Siva’s immanence
Immeasurable is his infinity.
Keep straight in the path without faltering.
Join the paean of Thou art That.”

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