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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is Sun Four, the end of a short phase the Aadheenam. Today our Siddhidata and Ganapati Kulam share news on their activities for the phase.

The Siddhidata Kulam has been much engage in the work of disconnecting scaffolding from the West Chinna Gopuram, releasing the structure and preparing it for the crane to move. It is massive job. At the Aadheenam all the water has led to a more thorough investigation of all our drainage systems under the building and Kadavul Temple. And of course the work in the vegetable garden must go on.

The Ganapati Kulam is very focus on Hinduism Today work, both editorial production for the coming issue and intensive work on our new software release, the Hinduism Today Digital Edition. Stay tuned for more news. One of our beta testers says:

“Monumental leap forward into this Millennium’s media! Congratulations to all the Hindu Renaissance Team! Awesome graphics and photos. Easier to read than print edition, especially important for elders. Our Monday home evening will now consist of digital Hinduism Today on the 43-inch plasma TV.”

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress

Palaniswami and Yoginathaswami visited the site to discuss issues and plans with the carvers, who greet Swami by touching his feet.

They are working today on the roofing stones, called sunshade. They fit it all on the ground, then lift it into place. The stones are ready, and this afternoon will be moved to the staging area where the crane can lift them next Sun 1. The silpis are so happy to have completed this challenging fitting task.

They are moving the stones into place by hand.

You will see in the movie we made from today that they move the larger stones with just the simplest crowbars.

But they do it in perfect unison, so all pull together at the exact same moment, moving a stone a quarter inch at a time.

These are small stones, so they can be managed by hand. Still, they weigh about 250 pounds.

In the movie you will hear the chant they use to coordinate their efforts.

Here they have placed a stone on a wooden block, which allows them to turn it 180 degrees effortlessly. Clever!

A pile of newly sharpened chisels wait their turn in a wheelbarrow.

These larger sunshade stones require great care to move without leaving marks on the sculpted parts of the granite. We have a great team on Kauai!

Saiva Siddhanta Church California Mission

Our members in California complete a successful fund raising event for Iraivan, and raised over $5,000.00 for the temple, after expenses and also raised the awareness of San Marga.

We have more pictures coming later… but here is a small preview…

Our members had filled the lobby with Iraivan information. Kulapati Deva Rajan and other mission members fill the lobby with Iraivan info

The crowded lobby during the intermission.

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