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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun One begins with a dynamic talk by Bodhinatha after today’s homa.

Saravananathswami does the homa today.

Bodhinatha gave a talk today that he is preparing for his trip to Toronto in April.

The trip is to attend “A Tribute to Yogaswami events,” and Bodhinatha will be visiting several temples. One talk he will be giving which he previewed today, is “Worship in the Home.”

Over the retreat the silpis when on their monthly outing. This time to the north shore. Here we are at the Kilauea Light House look out.

This is a sanctuary for many birds and water fowl. This is a Nene, the state bird of Hawaii.

Sadhaka Nilakantha enjoys watching the giant albatrosses with six-foot wing spans, flying over head.

Our silpi team

The light house is a “relic” from the past, but is still kept in working condition. It was built in 1913. Today’s ships will use radar and GPS systems to locate themselves in relation to any land masses. But if those should ever fail, this light house can help passing vessels pass safely north of the islands on a dark stormy night.

A view of near by cliffs.

Birds are protected in the environs near the light house.

The sun is back! After homa this morning, sunrise at the temple.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

Today we have photos from Mauritius. Here is the Pancha Ganapati pavillion.

Visitors always first worship Ganesha at the entrance shrine.

One of our miniature Japanese-style pools near the main offices.

A Pavilion construction project is underway for the small Pancha Ganapati murthi which had been placed near the Ganesha bridge. Kulapati Manon Mardemotoo reports: “Works on the above project is progressing satisfactorily. The concrete flooring, 4 columns and beams have already been cast. Next week the team will start working on the roof. We now need to obtain quotes for the metal works railing which will go along the sides of the rectangular pavilion”

To protect the black granite murthi from dust and cement, Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati is temporarily covered until the construction is completed.

Another project coming soon is the reconstruction of the Ganesha Bridge made of pine wood and bamboo. Kulapati Amba Valaytan is working on the project and will present a plan.

The Bridge is now closed to visitors until repairs are completed.

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