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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha’s travel page has been updated. See the side bar link on the right.

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Dasami Tithi, Sun One, Friday, March 24th.

It’s 8:30am and the Ganapati Kulam is having its morning meeting about Gurudeva’s and Bodhinatha’s many publications projects, and Tara Katir arrives with an armful of books.

Tara is our book review editor, and she had just finished the reviews for the next issue of Hinduism Today. She told us many stories and said her “pick of the litter” of books this time is “Little Yoga,” a charming kid’s book for 3-5 year olds. It introduces them to the postures. We all thought that was Shaila Pushpa Sendan on the cover.

At the end of each phase Palaniswami and Yoginathaswami visit the temple site to formally go over the silpis’ work of the week. Here is Yoginathaswami getting ready for the meeting.

He is working with many projects and uses both his Mac and his hand-held computer to coordinate his team.

Lots of phone calls to be sure contractors are performing, supplies are enroute, projects are on time.

When they reached the site, half the carvers were here on the ground,

and the others were on the roof.

Here is Karruppiah, our senior silpi, working on the roof beams.

And this is Rajendra on the North side under a shade tarp.

These are the first ceiling stones that have been set in place. They are just in front of the sanctum. On the underside they will be visible and form the roof of the main pillared hall.

We also reviewed the gold-leaf work that Deva Rajan did yesterday. Many thanks, Deva!

A close up of the gold leaf, shining in the sun.

Saiva Siddhanta Church Malaysia Mission

This is a belated Thaipusam report from ardent Malaysian student Ravichandran Ceyon from Johor area. It somehow got “stuck” in the pipeline of email but finally today has made it to TAKA today.

Ravi sends captions with his photos:

Sri Murugan Temple At Jalan Batu Pahat, Kluang, Johor. Its located on a Hill. Lord Muruga’s Perfect choice!!!

Mr. Kamaraj and friend Frm Kluang; had offered His support on book sales Activity during the Thaipusam Celebration. He is currently Helping to promote HT Magazine actively in the district Of Kluang.

Children’s Books, posters Iraivan stone `chips’, Panchangam CD, old HT Issues were displayed for Sales and promotion.

These are Iraivan stone chips Collected during my 2001 Kauai Innersearch. An idea to raise fund On a modest scale!!!

This is Dr Vasu – found himself number of books choices And interested further to know About Satguru’s teachings. His wife bought Loving Ganesha While he bought Lemurian Scroll.. And some HT magazines..

We have to thank temple chairman Mr. Soma who gave us to Place our books/publicity corner At the temple entrance. Believe me..the booth were `hit’ For the crowds!!

Front entrance of the temple

Myself, taking care at the booth.

It was wonderful to do this `thondu’

..temple goers showing interest..
in our books /temple

Even, temple’s Nathaswaram &
Tavil players also shown keen interest
In HT and happenings at Kauai –

Dr Vasuvan, a vetinary doctor,
Noted positively on HT, Iraivan
Temple and Gurudeva’s teachings/books

Kids frequently asked..
What stone are these..?
..Explanation goes…`Granite
Stones from build
Iraivan temple in an island…far..
Far ..away from its native land..”” of the devotees fulfilling his vow
..breaking 101 coconuts…

Saivite Hindu Religion Book 1 and posters
Of `Siva’s Saints are some of those
Sought after….

Temple priest..(on the right) had meet
Gurudeva Many years ago in Klang….he
Talks so fondly of that encounter….

Mr. Kamaraj explaining to one the `amma’s
About Iraivan, Satguru …..he stayed the
Whole day with me…great help indeed!!!

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