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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Five of our six-day phase. Today the Ganapati Kulam gave their weekly report. Much work going on in the publication world. Here is a short list:

  • Intense focus on completion of Version 1 of Hinduism Digital Edition Software for delivery of interactive PDF’s to users. We set our selves an April 1st deadline. This initiative represent a big leap forward in the sophistication of our internet publications delivery.
  • Work on the various article and sections of the coming issue of Hinduism Today.
  • Ongoing digitization of videos of Gurudeva. We have a “long running Gurudeva show” happening at the DVD recording station.
  • Children’s course Book 4 and 5 work.
  • Discussions with a Russian publisher for translating and printing Merging with Siva and Loving Ganesha in Cyrillic.

Weeks of tropical rain clouds and rains have vanished this morning, leaving the clearest sky imaginable. That’s our Mount Waialeale above the temple gardens.

Ganesha is enjoying the morning sunshine, but He is being a bit circumspect about the rain, continuing to hold His umbrella aloft just in case.

The plants are drying out and rejoicing too.

Siva is making it all happen in perfect rhythm.

The grounds are happy.

The flowers are happy.

The Song of India is happy.

The desert plants are really happy.

We visited the temple.

Shining against an amazingly blue sky.

Wait! That’s Deva Rajan up on the scaffolding.

Deva is unpacking the gold leaf materials. He is working on the Chinna Gopuram today, leafing areas that were left undone during the assembly. Now he can add the finishing touches.

Pillars waiting patiently in the sunlight.

The sun explodes off the gold of this tower, which faces directly East.

The luminaries, fire, sun and moon, receive their luminosity by the grace of divine inner Light. The Light that gives light to those is a mighty effulgence. That Light, dispelling my darkness, stood within me, suffused in oneness.

Tirumantiram 2683

On our return from Iraivan we see that even the fallen flowers are happy.

The Narmada Stream is gurgling happily. We realize the morning is a Celebration of Light.

The day has become a celebration of light. Light at the end of the tunnel.

Light dancing on the trees.

Even the rock-inhabiting lichens like the light.

Vines climb into the light.

Leaves reach toward the light.

Rocks are bathed in the light.

Leaves colorize the light.

Mottled gingers vie for the light.

Alocasias open to the light.

Everywhere the light. Reminding us of Gurudeva’s Clear White Light.

From Merging with Siva:

The highly trained classical yoga adept intensifies, through techniques imparted to him from his guru, the clear white light to the brink of God Realization, the void. His entire body is faded into a sea of blue-white light, the akasha, where now, past and future are recorded in the linear depths or layers, sometimes seeing himself seated or standing on a lotus flower of shimmering light in an actinodic clear, transparent, neon, plastic-like-body outline as his consciousness touches, in tune with a heart’s beat, into the Self, God Realization.

Keeping this continuity alive and not allowing the external consciousness to reign, the young aspirant lives daily in the clear white light, having occasionally more intense experiences as just described, while meeting daily chores here and now, until he attains the maturity of the nerve fiber essential to burst his consciousness beyond itself into the pure nonconscious state, nirvikalpa samadhi, the Self. Only known and identified by him as an experience experienced, only recognized by others as he maintains his point of reference: that mind is only illusion, ever changing and perpetuating itself by mingling concepts of past and future into the present; that the only reality is the timeless, formless, causeless, spaceless Self beyond the mind. He knows that the mind, which is made from a consciousness of time, creates, maintains and defabricates form, and exists in a relative concept of space. The Self is the only reality and is an intensity far greater than that of any phase of the mind.

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