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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is another peaceful, quiet day at Kauai Aadheenam, few visitors, sun and gentle showers. The sense of “nothing is happening here” pervades. As Yogaswami sang “Shantam, upashantam” Peace, perfect peace.

News today from the Innersearch…

“Our stay at Dooralong Valley Resort turned warmer and sunny today, a change that allowed everyone to spend more time enjoying the beautiful grounds.

Bodhinatha had two, two-hour classes today continuing on the theme of Spiritualizing Daily Life. Again the portion where everyone was in a discussion group of 10 or so was quite inspiring and educative…everyone is amazingly energetic and animated.

Palaniswami also gave a one-hour class on Monistic versus Pluralistic Saiva Siddhanta, stretching the brains of everyone a bit. The morning Shum meditation and hatha yoga session is starting a half an hour earlier by popular demand so more can be covered.

The quality of the vegetarian meals is quite high and getting compliments as well.

The whole place here is so ideal for Innersearch. Natural and full of animal life. Innersearchers from Malaysia and Singapore feel they have gone to a new world. Wild animals (family of deer on our cabin grounds this morning, and the wildest-sounding birds you ever heard in your life, something like a banshee in a late-night movie.)”

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