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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha Day Nine:

The Ekadanta Kulam made their report today. Saravananathaswami and Sadhaka Dandapani are firmly focused on advance logistics for Innersearch as well as post-Innersearch activities in both New Zealand and Australia, where Bodhinatha will be holding seminars and attending a conference on Saivism.

One TV station will be doing an interview with Bodhinatha and broadcasting this nationwide to Australia and New Zealand, inviting people to these events. Bodhinatha is encouraging us all to think, and envision, far into the future… and to plan accordingly.

It’s really working!

The remarkable colors of nature are always and ever amazing…

Clear days at the Aadheenam….

“When you go into a meditation, decide first what you are going to meditate upon and then stick with it. It is not advisable to habitually sit for meditation with no particular goal or direction, for we often end up walking in mental or subconscious circles. We have to avoid going into a meditation and then taking off into random or unintended directions, for this then can lend new vigor and strength to uncomely states of mind. You have to be very firm with yourself in meditation sessions. They are serious, not ponderous, but serious applications of life’s force. They are moments of transformation and discovery, and the same care and earnestness of a mountain climber must be observed constantly if real progress and not mere entertainment is the goal.”


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