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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha Day Two…

A quiet, beautiful clear fall day at the Aadheenam…The monks rise and instead of going to the temple for arati, go out for a walk here and there, like wondering Sadhus, find a place to meditate… thus the term Sadhu Paksha… We also begin work on our annual Vasana Daha Tantra during this period.

We step back in time to the silpi outing when the silpis were taken to the amazing Na Aina Kai Botanical and Sculpture Gardens created by Joyce and Ed Doty. Na Aina Kai is a “must see” for those who enjoy gardens.

We have followed the progress of the garden through the years and it has come a long way… we will let the pictures speak for themselves….

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

One of the outcomes of the trip to the Na Aina Kai gardens was the gift of four mature Rambutan trees that were being removed from an area where the Doty are going to expand the gardens. These were trimmed and dug out and we brought them home on our trailer yesterday and this morning with the help of contractor John Anderson, who has been doing work at the Aadheenam for decades… the trees were planted…

Getting them out of the trailer was a logistical challenge to say the least.

This one is in … now for water and mulch!

Rigging up the next one…

Four trees were successfully planted… These were fruit bearing when taken down, so we hope to see fruits even as early as next year.

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