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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Is it a quiet day at the Aadheenam… A number of devotees are here for the Maha Samadhi week… an big plans are being made in India for Bodhinatha’s arrival there. …with all kinds of people contacting us to join Bodhinatha’s entourage.

Nine-year-old Puja from Texas hugging a rudraksha tree with her father. When asked why she is a vegetarian she replied “I don’t think it is right to kill animals and eat them”

Iraivan’s Vimanam

Silpi Rajendran at work

Bodhinatha in San Diego

We have this wonderful photo series relating Bodhinatha’s recent visit to San Diego…the “inside story…” from Sadhunathan Nadesan:

Working for days, the ladies (Aunties Kamala, Damara, and Dhanya) cooking team, together with many guests who brought dishes, prepared a feast that equaled some at Kauai Aadheenam (in our humble opinion, smile).

Preparations to wash the Guru’s feet with the kumbha pot.

Chudika Mahadevan draw the kolam.

Uncle Toshadeva Guhan and Pundit Janahan preparing garlands.

Auntie Shakti Mahadevan contemplates the immanent arrival of the Satguru.

Auntie Ushadevi Katir awaits with Chellapa and Banudevi Deva, and Ratnan Kumaran. Kumaran
broke the coconut, Diksha Katir and Toshadeva blew the conch.

In anticipation, Davati Murugan, Kamala Guhan, Sheela Rahavendran, and Kulamata Dhanya Nadesan.

Kulapati Sadhunathan Nadesan performs the pada puja while Pundit Janahan orchestrates.

A shawl is offered. In the foreground, Dasan Mahadevan, the Katirs and Lavanadevi Sivam.

Devotees come forward for blessings. Dasan receives vibhutti.

Bodhinatha is radiant. The upadesh which followed was amazing.

The next morning at breakfast, we sing happy birthday, and gifts are given.

San Diego loves you!

A buffet by the bay.

Happy devotees.

The essence of kama – birthday cake 🙂

Cassie is happy to be with the guru.

Waterfront view.

Our high-tech guru presents with sound, music, and images.

Dr. Shan, honored guest speaker.

Uncle Sadhu.

Auntie Dayavati offers pranams.

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