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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha addresses a group that came today.

They are members and students from the Berkeley Psychic Institute in California.

Saravananathaswami at work in the Ekadanta Kulam. He has been actively developing the plans for the Maha Samadhi events of next week…

California Events Photos Continue…

We continue with our photos from our donor appreciation events that took place at a reception in Sausalito California on October 16th…

Jean Gibson and her daughter, Laura Marks.

The room was beautifully decorated with posters showing the progress of the Iraivan temple.

Sundari Katir and her family were among the devotees that did an amazing job in helping to organize the event.

K. Suriyakumar was our guest speaker for the event. He is a strong supporter of the aadheenam and its projects, especially Iraivan Temple, and helps in every way he can. He delivered an inspiring talk.

Mihir Meghani, right, president of Hindu American Foundation, brought some friends to meet with Bodhinatha

Sadhaka Dandapani holds up a certificate of appreciation that the aadheenam prepared for Suriyakumar.

Bodhinatha presents the certificate. It reads “Certificate of Appreciation presented to K. Suriyakumar in recognition of his outstanding
support and service through the years,
bringing Hinduism’s sacred art and imagery
into the monastery and temple,
collaborating with others to help build
Iraivan Temple in Hawaii and thus to strengthen Gurudeva’s mission around the world and offer love and support to Tamil Saivism.”

A shawl is presented as in tradition.

Dr. Narayana Rao shares a few words. He said “Out of all the magnificent things pertaining to the Kauai Aadheenam, the two things that stand out the utmost are the Iraivan Temple, which I call “The Temple for the Generations,” and the HINDUISM TODAY magazine, which I am now calling, “The Magazine for the Generations.”

To put it in perspective, let us suppose one million dollars is to be raised in support of a cause. Then, if one million people give one dollar each (less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks) just for one day of their lives, that is one million dollars. Alternatively, assuming an average life span of 70 years, if just 40 people contribute one dollar per day for their lifetimes, then simple arithmetic will tell you that it is over one million dollars, let alone the interest accumulated.

So, today I am here to begin the fulfillment of our pledge of one dollar per day for the lifetime of Vinay (my grandson), one lifetime out of 40, if not the first one out of 40, by presenting an amount of $2,016 in two checks for the auspicious amount of $1,008 each from me and my wife, as a symbol of our equal affection towards him. And later, we will make arrangements for the continuation of the contribution as pledged.

“An apple a day for my body,
for a physically healthy everyday!
A dollar a day for HINDUISM TODAY,
for a spiritually healthy everybody!”

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

A special Ganesha Homa was organized at the Spiritual Park on the first Sunday of October for students taking part in their end of academic school year and university exams. This was an auspicious time for students and their families to seek the Blessings of Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati.

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami always advises families to pray Lord Ganesha on such forthcoming exams.

As usual those who came early were able to secure a seat inside the Mandapam which is always full to capacity on Homa days…

Traditional musicians were hired for the occasion ….

Several items were ready to be used for a very elaborate homa…

Church members are close by to give a helping hand…Kulapati Moorghen and Kulamata Mardemootoo helping the priest…

Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati looks splendid!

Kulamata Mardemootoo lights the Kutuvilakku helped by Brahmachari Vel.

The two priests hired for that ceremony chanted beautiful mantras in Sanskrit and sang a few Thevarums

Kulapati Manon as the most senior kulapati, was the main person to sit with the priests…

Some devotees were happy sitting by the pond and under the pine trees

Others sat on the lava rock steps leading to the Mandapam.

Here the priest is decorating the large homa pit for an elaborate homa.

A traditional design made from rice powder and turmeric paste…

The Homa starts….

Kulapati Mooghen holds the mic and kulamata Mardemootoo provides the homa ingredients for the Sivacharya…

Hundreds of notes from devotees are then sent into the fire to reach the devas in the inner worlds. Many problems would be solved for happy devotees in a few days….

The priest pouring honey and milk into the fire.

Children are distributed blessed pens and other writing materials…A little rush here with all the little ones coming to receive their gifts

Kulamatas Premila and Kavita suddenly have a busy time distributing the gifts…

One happy little girl from the crowd with her gift…

At the end of the ceremony everyone is served food at the food stations…

The SK Moorghen Kutumba coordinated the food serving for this occasion…

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