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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha giving his talk today… Sun One, after the homa….

We step back to yesterday… which was Ayudhya puja day.. our silpis at the patra (black smith forge) .. boiling the rice prasadam…

Bodhinatha blesses the forge…

On this day we thank God for our tools, the instruments through which we are able to do our work and thus sustain our lives.

“Tyler-natha” on Task Force for 3 months. He is really fitting in wonderfully and enjoying himself…

Two years ago, when he was just 18, his spiritual inclinations let him to look up the word “superconscious” in Google… and he found Merging with Siva… He read that book in one week, became a vegetarian and completely changed his life…

The main puja…

Then the stone cutting, where everyone takes a turn…

Sthapati worships the sadhus with arati…

Bodhinatha gives dakshina to the silpis, a cash donation and a new veshti…

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress

Iraivan looks more and more wonderful…

Now for stroll down toward the river….

The we are up to today… morning homa…

Bodhinatha gives his talk…

Vibhuti blessings
for all

Our Siddhidata Kulam also observed Ayudhya puja by decorating and blessing their “maintenance bay” where they work on vehicles, do welding etc.

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