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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is Sun Five here at the Aadheenam and the Ganapati Kulam share news of its activities this phase. Some of the many things underway in the publications area:

* Work on Hinduism Today (as usual) Highlights:

–A full-length feature story on Tirupati Temple
–An educational section on “The Two Paths”

*A very beautiful Gurudeva Mahasamadhi publication called “Gurudeva’s Spiritual Toolbox..” a limited edition of 500 copies only goes to press in a few days. This has 32 questions that humans ask about life on Earth, and Gurudeva’s answers to them all.
*The whole team worked on Gurudeva’s digital audio and video archives for one whole day… What a treasure… that we will bring to you one day in the future.
*Book Four of the children’s Saivite Hindu Religion course will be in full color with photos (fabulous!)
*Work on resurrecting our Natchintanai satsang booklets…

Just a few of the projects in the works.

Alvin & Francoise Buchignani were our guests this morning. Alvin has been the monastery’s attorney for many, many years and knows Gurudeva, Bodhinatha and all the monks well. They were here 2 years ago and were very much amazed to see the progress on Iraivan. They also had a nice meeting with Bodhinatha. We’ll be seeing them again on Oct 16th in Sausalito when Bodhinatha has his reception event over there. You are welcome to attend. Please see guru travels page for details.

Iraivan is really taking shape…

Thanks to the hard work of these men… Silpi Chellaiya here, aloft on the West Chinna Gopuram.

This Siva wood carving was recently repainted by Leonora Orr, a Kauai artist.

It graces the entrance door to the Publications Building.

Retrospective: Bodhinatha’s Last Event of His Mauritius Mission

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s last day stay in Mauritius has been marked by a meeting with most of the islands’s devotees in Mahebourg at the residence of Brahmachari Vel Mahalingum, who lives just a few minutes drive from the SSR airport in the south.

Now Brahmachari has a new house and is impatiently waiting for Bodhinatha to inaugurate and Bless his new abode…

Saravananathaswami performs an arati in the new home shrine. Soon after Bodhinatha will move in every room and sprinkle water to bless the house. Bodhinatha tells everyone that each corner of a room should always be kept very clean to attract positive vibration….

It is an informal meeting, where Bodhinatha summarized the highlights of his visit to Mauritius and mentioned about new activities for the next visit.

The sishyas are listening carefully….

A little sad… this is the last meeting with Bodhinatha this year!

After Bodhinatha’s speech, sishyas came forward for the Guru’s Blessings. This is Parmeshswaran Ramsamy from Henrietta.

Kulapati Koothan from Chemin Grenier in the South….

Kulamata Sornambal Mardemootoo from the north…

Brahmachari Vel Mahalingum with his Kulapati and Kulamata for a souvenir photo with Bodhinatha.

Ravind Doorghiat, a long time sishya with his whole family …

Brahmachari Vel in his new kitchen, ready to serve dinner to Bodhinatha and swami…

Padmasri Ramsamy(left), her mother and Magadevi Canagasaby..

Everyone present is being served dinner at this new house blessing event….

The children are enjoying a wonderful time together.

“Au Revoir” and see you all in 2006.

The Mauritius sishyas thank Bodhinatha for this wonderful visit that uplifted everyone spiritually. Thank you, Bodhinatha! Aum…

Nature’s Wonders…

We bring you a few of Siva’s amazing creations in bloom today at Kauai Aad

The path to Iraivan Temple, lined with palms.

A series of tropical plants called anthuriums. whose leaves turn to many colors pretending to be flowers. The real flowers are on the yellow spike.

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