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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We began a new phase today… six days of meditation and service…

All is well at the Aadheenam, quiet, work going on many fronts.

Chitra Nakshatra fell today, so Pada Puja for Gurudeva pre-empted the usual Sun One Homa…

Meditating during the puja…

The pictures tell the story, so we will take the opportunity to share come of Siva Yogaswami’s incomparable wisdom:

” We are the servitors of Siva.
No harm will befall us, if without forgetting we meditate on
the holy mantram that we have neither beginning nor end,
neither birth or death, neither day nor night, neither happiness nor sorrow.”

“What you contemplate, that you become. Persistent spiritual effort is necessary. Do not become discouraged. Those who fail to toil will not reap any reward. No pains, no gains is a familiar saying in the world. Persevere until you succeed.”

“Why do you constantly ponder on unworthy pursuits? Banish these futile intents and worship God with a full heart. Accept joyfully and carry out whatever is dispensed to you. In the end everything will lead you to success.”

“Perform cheerfully whatever work and duties are assigned to you, and be convinced that everything that happens is for the best. It is so. You may even ignore these things altogether. Both courses are acceptable.”

“Your liberation does not depend on action or inaction. Do not desire to be free of action. Do not become attached to action. Devote yourself to that which naturally befalls you, whether it involves action or inaction.”

” Greater than life itself is good conduct. Those who conduct themselves with rectitude possess everything that is worthwhile. Non-killing, non-stealing, non-vituperation, non-covetessness, truthfulness and humility–these are useful assets for virtuous living.”

“In whatever pursuits you are engaged, you should train yourself to work with zeal, keenness and delight. Such a discipline will lead you to acquire steadfastness of the mind. It is then that the mind develops the power of one pointedness, which in turn will lead you to enjoy an abundance of anma-sakti. Thenceforth everything will be bright, and you will not be disturbed by the agitations caused by seeing the difference in objects, as friends and foes, light and darkness.”

Paramacharya performs the daily Siva puja in the morning during the phase…. at the end.. the traditional offerings at the balipeedam…

Popular Music aficionados may know about the famed Crosby, Stills and Nash band… much beloved for their high-minded music and “mission” oriented initiatives to support positive causes through the years. Well, what has that got to do with TAKA? Graham Nash lives on Kauai and he and his wife decided to build a home they found in Bali.. that’s right. A complete Balinese house, created in Bali and dismantled and stored away was brought to Kauai. Graham had a team of Balinese craftsmen come to Kauai to assemble the home. Here they are meeting with Paramacharya Palaniswami after the morning puja in the temple.

Graham’s wife Susan Nash brought them all to the temple today as they have completed their work and will be returning soon to Bali…

The Sacramento Hindu Svayamsevak Sangh invited Kulapati Easan Katir to talk to the Youth Group at a weekend picnic.

Kulapati Easan Katir Teaching

Early in September, the Sacramento Hindu Svayamsevak Sangh invited Kulapati Easan Katir to talk to the Youth Group at a weekend picnic.

Easan distributes a copy of the educational pamphlet from Bodhinatha “Raising Good Hindu Children” to each family.

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