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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is a quiet day at the Aadheenam, so we take this opportunity to reflect on our roots and Parampara.

We have two sets of Photos from Siva Markandu in Toronto who recently went to Sri Lanka. We will show one set today and another tomorrow.

Yogaswami sang:

The One and the Many art Thou Lord, whose abode is the
Himalayas. Thou who vanquished Dakkan and art the
consort of the alluring Sakti–Oh Lanka’s divine Teacher
recovered by Yoganathan! Thy Refuge we seek.

Sternly did Thou destroy the pride of doubting ascetics.
The eternal Feminine constitutes part of Thy Form. Thy
fiery Eye did burn the deluding Cupid. Oh Lord Siva who
reigns over Lanka, Thine are we in Refuge meek.

Day and night I toil to ease my worldly wants. Will Thou
not pity my weakness so abject? What shall I do? My Guru!
To whom shall I turn? Resplendent Light of the bejewelled
Isle of Lanka, Thine in Refuge are we.”

A Trip to Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

Siva Markandu tells us:

“These are Red Cross workers, who have been very helpful to all the refugees…”

They have given a lot of supplies to these boys of our Thirunavukkarasu Orphanage. One of the older boys is now doing volunteer work with the Red Cross.

Red Cross Family Hygiene kits. In times of disaster, basic needs like toothpaste and soap are important.

Cooking and water pots are essential…

Here I am (on the right) giving a check to the orphanage for CAN$4,001.00 which was raised by the Sri Lankan Tamils living in London, Ontario area, Canada.

Handing out small gifts of candy to the boys that we brought.

At home in Canada we have this Canada South Blues Society. The musicians raised money and gave these tee-shirts for the boys.

The founder of the Guru Kulam, Swaminathar Thambaiyar Adigal

The devastation of the area where the orphanage originally existed.

We also offered assistance to the Ramakrishna Mission Boys’ Home… This boat allows the boys to move back and forth over the lagoon. Transport is an issue in these devastated areas. Unlike places in the US where a hurricane like Katrina strikes, where they have resources to rebuild, here in Sri Lanka, these people have very little.

A long term sustained relief effort is needed… it is easy to forget…

Sri Lanka, fabled for its beauty has been sadly hit by war and natural disaster. We all need to help.

Whatever may come to pass, this is our sacred spiritual homeland.

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