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Gurudeva placed great stress on the purification of consciousness. Read here what can be the result of this process and realize this is your destiny:

“The feeling of the eternity of the moment is experienced upon the first arrival into the subsuperconscious state of mind. This occurs when the subconscious state of mind is in a quiescent state, a state of full receptivity to superconsciousness. It has not been destroyed, but has been purified of all barriers, such as negative attachments. When this occurs, the devotee has the feeling that there is no future, there is no past and the only reality is the eternity of the moment.

The subconscious mind, thus opened to the influx of actinic power, creates a force field called an actinodic force field. That is, the odic forces of the subconscious, having been permeated with enough actinic energy so that the odic forces are quieted, organized and controlled through actinic power, form a new state of mind called the subsuperconscious state of mind.

Great vistas of creativity are opened to those who learn to keep open and receptive to the subsuperconscious mind. Music, art, drama and dance flow most spontaneously, and answers to questions in the subconscious, previously unanswered, come forth in intuitive flashes, without the use of reason, while not conflicting with reason. A feeling of contentment and confidence resides within an individual who has learned to consciously identify and use the subsuperconscious mind. “

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

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Today’s sample page. —– Click here to get your copy today!

We bring you today pictures from Malaysia where Bodhinatha had a grand reception.

Title: Bringing a Gift for the Temple

Category: Temples and Temple Worship

Duration: 5 minutes, 54 seconds

Date Given: August 24, 2002

Date Posted: September_16_2002

Given by: Bodhinatha

Cybertalk: Continuing with highlights from his talk on God Siva, Bodhinatha talks about Gurudeva’s admonition that devotees should never come to the temple empty-handed, even if the only offering they have is a leaf. The ideal is to put time into preparing a special offering. It’s also important to pay attention to what is happening during the puja and to not let the mind wander.

Cybertalk Ends”
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Bodhinatha will be happy to hold “Prasnottara Satsang” — “Questions and Answers” over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sadhaka Mahadevan

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The members and students had a huge banner awaiting him at the airport.

Everyone comes forward to greet and garland Bodhinatha and the monks

Jai Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswamiki Jai!

So many garlands!

At another venue, our ladies were making kolams as a decoration for the book launching of living with Siva… colored rice in hand, ready to go to work.

The traditional Swastika surrounded by the logos of Saiva Siddhanta Church, Hinduism Today, San Marga, Himalayan Academy, and Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Fantastic… what a beautiful job!

Here a large model/poster of Living with Siva has been prepared and placed in a lotus front of a giant mural of Gurudeva as the team prepares the stage for the book launching… stay tuned as more pictures of the event will be running tomorrow.

The members were overjoyed to have their Satguru with them at satsang in Klang. here everyone gathers at the home of Kulapati Kulapati and Kulamata Guhan and Roobavathy Sivalingam.

Bodhinatha blesses everyone with vibhuti.

All are attentive to the pada puja.

Kulapati Gunan Sivalingam performs the Pada Puja.

Jai to the Kailasa Parampara!

Here is a giant Ganesha at Guhan’s home. He certainly is guiding things along smoothly.

Back at the hall, the preparations for the book launching are really massive. What a great job everyone has done preparing for this event.

Giant banners are raised.

Wow! This looks really magnificent.


Transcription of a
Past CyberTalk
Appears Below

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transcription begins

Date: July_30_2002
Title: Guru Purnima Talk on Karma Management Day 1 Part 3
Category: Karma
Duration: 11 min., 4 seconds
Date Given: July 18, 2002
Given by: Bodhinatha

Now, we get our first principle. Those of you who have read your lessons know what it is. Forego retaliation. What in the world does retaliation have to do with karma? It does not sound like it is related at all.

Karma usually comes to us through other people. It is rare that it just comes without another person being involved. We don’t usually walk along and have a tree branch fall on us and call it our karma. Usually, it is another person who does something to us in one way or another. So there are other people involved in bringing our karma back to us, both our good karma and our bad karma. It is human nature when it is our bad karma to get upset with them.

For an example here. Someone is very nasty to us, verbally abusive and just treats us terribly. Of course, we are upset. So what do we do? Do we retaliate? Or do we forego retaliation? It is a common problem in the world. Someone treats you unfairly or treats some member of your family unfairly and you feel you have to retaliate. It is the right thing to do, to retaliate. Well, then what will they do? Of course, they will think the same way and they will retaliate back. Then what will you do? You will retaliate back and how long will this go on? It could go on quite a while. It creates an endless cycle of retaliation. So as long as we are retaliating, we cannot manage our karma at all. We are really karmically making a mess. Every time we retaliate, we are creating a new karma and then it is coming back to us and so forth. We are stuck. Not only are we not making any progress but we keep creating more negative karma.

We have a few actors here today. Lots of movies portray the famous Western kind of concept. Something happens, there is a bank robbery and a robber kills your brother. So, you spend the rest of the movie chasing down the robber and kill him. Old retaliation idea. Well, it is quite common in lots of movies, not only in the classic Western but other movies as well. Why is that? Because it is accepted behavior. This is what lots of people do and they think it is right. It is called an ‘eye for an eye’ approach. Someone harms me or harms my family, it is my duty to harm them back.

But it is not the Hindu approach. Why isn’t it the Hindu approach? Because no one harmed you, you harmed yourself. The action came through someone else, but they are just a channel. Why blame them? They are like the messenger. The famous story, don’t blame the messenger. You get upset when somebody delivers the message. “I am just the messenger.” They are just the messenger. They are returning your karma to you because usually, it will have to come through another person.

We are missing the whole point, right? But at least even if we get upset, it is important to forego retaliation. If we can’t do that, none of the other principles will work because they are more subtle than simply forgoing retaliation.

The last point in that regard is, you can sometimes count on others to handle the problem. Just like in the famous bank robbery idea, if someone commits a crime against a member of your family, well there is a Justice system. There are police that take care of these things. There are courts that take care of these things. If we allow them to take care of the problem, neither we nor they take on the karma because as long as they follow the laws, which they have been sworn to uphold, they don’t create a karma even if they have to shoot someone if they cannot avoid it. So in enforcing the law, the law officer does not create karma, if they do it in a fair way.

Gurudeva again says it so beautifully. “As long as we react, we must repeat it. That is the law.” It is so short, I will read it again. “As long as we react, we must repeat it. That is the law.”

Second principle, which counts on the first principle being in place. Once we manage to harness our instinctive tendency to retaliate, we can move on to a more refined principle which is to accept responsibility. We were touching on that slightly before, which is the idea that whatever happens to you is your own creation. Usually, that idea comes to us when everything is going great. We get the perfect job earning lots of money, we are quite happy. Everything is working out beautifully in our life and who do we attribute this success to? Our self, right? “Well, of course, I created all this. It is going well because of me just doing everything right.” When everything is going the opposite way, when everything is falling apart, and you are losing your job, and you don’t have enough money, there is domestic problems at home, who is responsible? Well, not you of course. “Must be somebody else’s fault, couldn’t be my fault.” Of course, our thinking is flawed because in both cases, whatever we experience is within our karma and our karma only comes from our own past actions. We cannot experience anything that is not in our karma, it won’t happen.

There is an interesting story regarding September 11th, in that regard. A member of the Patel family who has an office, used to have an office in one of the World Trade buildings where a plane crashed into, was on pilgrimage here. His family had talked him into coming on pilgrimage to Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. So he was not there on the day he would normally be. Consequently, the plane did not kill him, very interesting. Then we heard another story from the News that there was a person in the Pentagon and the plane crashed into his office. He was on the plane. So he was counted twice in the initial statistics. He was counted as being dead because it was his office and they assumed he was there. He was also on the plane. So, it was like he could not escape it somehow. It just was destined to happen. Even though he wasn’t there, he still didn’t escape being there. Very interesting situation.

It shows how karma comes to us in an interesting way and whatever it is, we are responsible for it. This requires a certain detachment that sometimes we don’t have. Whatever we see someone do to us, we need to put that person aside and only see ourselves doing it to us through that person. We are doing this to ourselves through that person, that person is just a channel for it. When we look at it that way and we are looking at it and accepting responsibility. We don’t want to blame the person if they do something nasty to us. We don’t want to praise them if they do something kind to us. We want to see our self acting through them, which is the correct way to see it. We accept responsibility. Nothing can happen to me that is not in my karma.

The real test is when you get unfairly accused. Sometimes this happens in life. We get unfairly accused by someone. “Well, how can that person accuse me of this?” We are upset with them, they are not being fair to us. But somehow, it is our karma. We are creating this experience by something we have done in the past. This is a reaction to that action and is coming to us through this person. If we can see it in that way then we are looking at it correctly. We are accepting responsibility.

Gurudeva’s quote on this is, “As long as we externalize the source of our successes and failures, we perpetuate the cycles of karma, good or bad. There is no one out there making it all happen. Our actions, thoughts and attitudes make it all happen. We must accept and bear our karma cheerfully.”

Aum Namah Sivaya.
transcription ends

Innersearch 2003-4 in India!

We just completed the July 17-23 Kauai Innersearch, 2002. Bodhinatha will lead the next Innersearch to India, between Dec 2003 and Jan 2004. We will visit Bangalore and the Iraivan Carving Village, and settle in the South in Tamil Nadu, Click on the above for details on what will be an inspiring journey to our holy land of Bharat!

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