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“When you control your emotions, you are bringing through your spiritual being. It is only your spiritual being, your soul in action, bringing through the spirit, or bringing through God, that can control the mind. When you are living in an emotional state, you are only experiencing the mind temporarily out of control. And like anything that gains its own momentum, even if you do not control it, it will subside automatically after a period of time until it builds up again. This is all caused by subtle transgressions of natural laws of the mind, in this life and in previous lives.

There are many subtle laws. For instance, if you are planning to do something for someone and then you decide for some reason that you won’t, all of the spiritual power that you had previously brought through from your spiritual being will be coagulated and blocked by your hesitation. Then tomorrow will not be as good as today was. It will be worse.

To keep your spirit flowing, always allow yourself to be in the line of understanding. In other words, do not allow misunderstanding to arise in your mind. Should misunderstanding arise, sit down, be quiet and do not get up until you understand the problem. You might have to sit for an hour. Instinctively your animal nature will not allow you to do that, but if you use willpower and persist, tomorrow will be a perfect day. Now, this is easy to talk about, and also easy to understand, but it takes a very discerning mind, utilizing the power of discrimination, to master these laws of the mind.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
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Bodhinatha sits introspectively waiting to give out vibhuthi in the temple. He has a big mission to take charge of… how can you help him? Simple: do everything that Gurudeva would expect you to do.

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Pandit Ramsurat Maharaj with Shirley Boyle’s Center of Light Students. Pandit was born in Trinidad and has been a US resident for the last 33 years. A very active man in uplifting the Hindu community in Florida with inspiring sermons and devotional pujas at the Siva Mandir. He is also a marriage councellor and has been reading Hinduism Today since 1979 when it was the New Saivite World.

Today was the last day of the visit by Shirley Boyles Center of light Students. They were inspired to make a special offering and purchased a wonderful Thai lunch to feed the monks today. Shirley uses “Merging with Siva” in her metaphysical teachings and her students finally got a chance to see where it all came from.

The first half of the Jan-Feb-March issue of Hinduism Today wraps up today with a wonderful mix of stories. Swami Satchidananda attained Maha Samadhi recently so we did a follow up on his life. A great first person story from the UK by our correspondent, Lavina Melwani, the 12 Beliefs of Saivism and the always fascinating small articles of Diaspora were completed, among others.

Sadhaka Jivanandanatha and Yogi Japendranatha working on our Mac OSX server by Apple computer. with 400 Gigabytes of hard drive space and a gigabit optical ethernet switch, its really fast.

The server’s name is “Varuna” and he lives on the floor under the desk to take up less space. The server manages files for all our web site back ups, Hindusim Today, art, audio, books and more.

Importantly, Varuna also runs our mail server and supplies DNS to the local network. The two of them are doing “cogitation prostration” over a PERL script that is supposed to catch virus emails on their way in.

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Silpi Raman working on the end of a small stone.

Another stone requiring major precision tooling. They can only do so much in Bangalore, the rest is done on Kauai.


Transcription of a
Past CyberTalk
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transcription begins

Date: August_28_2002
Title: 2002 Kauai Innersearch Day 4, Part 1
Category: Karma
Duration: 9 min., 24 seconds
Date Given: July 21, 2002
Given by: Bodhinatha

Karma management series the fourth and final session. I have a story. There is an e-mail that came in, I am going to read part of it. It came in a few months ago in response to our request we put out on TAKA. We were developing a series called, ‘Nine principles for raising children’. You may recall reading that in ‘Hinduism Today’. We were soliciting input. This is some of the input we got from one mother.

“My daughter, Nita, was trained to be a peer mediator in the fifth grade.” Pretty impressive to have a ten year old as a peer mediator. “She learned to guide the students who were having conflicts through certain steps using ‘I’ messages to come to a resolution. An important component was that the two students had to want to resolve their differences. Many times people want to hold on to their anger or their hurt and blame others for it. I was thrilled to have this kind of training available to people at such a young age.”

That fits right in to our karma management principles here, without making direct reference to it. But that process, if it is successful, involves the first three principles. To forgo retaliation – one student cannot be retaliating against the other. We have to accept responsibility, as it says here you cannot be blaming others and we have to forgive the offender which is the point of mediation, forgiving the offender. It brings together all three of the first principles quite nicely. It goes on to another subject here.

“I truly believe we live out our karma through our children and we grow and improve as they do.” How many of you believe that? Have you ever thought about it? “The funny thing is that we can see ourselves in our children, yet we want them to be so much better.” Anyone ever felt that way? “Somehow they are supposed to handle the problems that we face better than we did. We want them to be perfect and to overcome our imperfections.”

So, how does that tie in? Well, it ties in, in the sense that we work out our own karma sometimes through helping other people work out the same karma we worked on. In this case, it is talking about children. Quite often, the challenges we faced in life and worked out either fully or partly, we face them again in our children, amazingly. We need to figure out how to advise our children to handle the same karmas that we had to handle. So, if we manage to do that successfully, what do we know? We know that karma is fully resolved, it has gone away. So, if we can help someone else with the same karma successfully, we have clearly mastered it, clearly understood the problem.

Gurudeva used to use the same example when talking about monks giving advise to family people. He would say, “You are only resolving your own karma. You think you are helping someone else. But, you are actually resolving karma. You are helping them through something that you went through once. So if you can do that successfully, you have really mastered that karma.”

It broadens the principle to not only parents to children, but also teachers to student, elders to younger people, swamis to lay people. It is a very broad principle that for giving advise to others in areas in which we have encountered difficulties, we have experienced karmas, we are resolving our own karma and getting rid of it completely.

That is our first story. Our second story has to do with ‘Drug Free Kauai’. A number of years ago there was a strong movement on the island to promote a drug free Kauai. There was a ‘Coalition for a Drug Free Kauai’ and Gurudeva was asked to help. So he delegated the project to Arumugaswami, who under Gurudeva’s direction produced a CD on ‘Drug Free Kauai’. It is a very interesting approach that Gurudeva took. One approach would be to take the high moral ground. “Drugs are wrong, drugs are sinful, therefore you shouldn’t use drugs.” That is taking the high moral ground, preaching right and wrong to people. Gurudeva didn’t take that approach. He said what we want to do is show the consequences. “We are not trying to talk children out of taking drugs. We are trying to show them the consequences of their actions – this is what happens if you take certain kinds of drugs. So that, before they decided to take the drugs, they would have a good understanding of the consequence of doing so.

How did Gurudeva go about having Arumugaswami show them the consequences? Mainly with personal interviews of people, Kauaians who have ended up in jail because of taking drugs. He interviewed two or three men, two or three women and got their stories on this CD, which is a very compelling statement about the consequences. Because the consequences in all cases were disastrous. Their whole life changed, their whole life fell apart, it really went downhill. If they had a good job, they lost their job. If they had a good reputation, they lost their reputation. Some of them ended up stealing money and being caught at stealing, whereas before they were very upright people. In all cases, the marriages totally fell apart, ended up in divorce. People lost nice homes and the children ended up in a very difficult situation.

So it was very compelling testimony from these drug users, as to the consequences. Then there was one other person on the tape who was the Warden and his comment was that certain kinds of drugs, methamphetamine kinds of drugs, turn people into walking zombies. They just walk around and their brains don’t work right anymore. Their brains have been physically damaged because of excessive use and they just can’t think or function in a normal way. What a compelling consequence to think about.

That fits quite nicely into the fourth principle we were talking about, consider the consequences. It relates to our own actions as mature adults, you know. We can reflect. “What are the consequence of this action? What are the karmic consequences, in particular, of this action?” (And) It also shows a good way of training children. We don’t want to simply blame children for doing things wrong, scold them, punish them. We want to teach them to think about the consequences. Maybe we never told them the consequences but we assumed they understand the consequences. Usually, that is the case. A child does something wrong that we don’t expect, usually we forgot to explain something. But we don’t want to admit that. The idea in raising children is – try always to show them the consequence of their actions in a non-emotional, non-threatening way, so they begin to think that way. When they are adults they naturally think that way first. “What are the consequences of this action? Do I want to experience those consequences or not?”

transcription ends

Innersearch 2003-4 in India!

We just completed the July 17-23 Kauai Innersearch, 2002. Bodhinatha will lead the next Innersearch to India, between Dec 2003 and Jan 2004. We will visit Bangalore and the Iraivan Carving Village, and settle in the South in Tamil Nadu, Click on the above for details on what will be an inspiring journey to our holy land of Bharat!

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