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“Faith, astikya, creates the attitudes for the action of worship. We can see that from the soul’s conception to its fullness of maturity into the final merger with God Siva Himself, worship, communication, looking up, blending with, is truly monistic Saiva Siddhanta, the final conclusions for all mankind. We can conclude that in Sanatana Dharma faith is in What Is, and in the Abrahamic religions faith is in What Is Yet to Be.

“Worship could be defined as communication on a very high level: a truly sophisticated form of “channeling,” as New-Age people might say; clairvoyant or clairaudient experience, as mystics would describe it; or heart-felt love interchanged between Deity and devotee, as the ordinary person would describe it.”

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
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Mystic Mouse Coloring Book Now available
Today’s sample page. —– Click here to get your copy today!

Bodhinatha sends his love to one and all and looks forward to a wonderful trip to Asia. All is quiet on the home front as he goes through the day handling all the many communications and decisions that have come to him as the Guru Maha Sannidhanam of Kauai Aadheenam. He has been leading the monks in deep meditations every morning, giving our young monks a taste of what it’s like to sit in absollute stillness for at least an hour.

PHASE END: Today is the sixth day of this phase and we will going into a two day retreat and this TAKA will remain up until Sunday evening…

Title: 2002 Kauai Innersearch Day 4, Part 2

Category: Karma

Duration: 11 minutes, 5 seconds

Date Given: July 21, 2002

Date Posted: August_29_2002

Given by: Bodhinatha

Cybertalk: 2002 Kauai Innersearch Day 4, Part 2: Bodhinatha gives us two final correct concepts about karma, that we are creating our future in the present and that the ultimate future which comes from the resolution of karma is moksha, liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Cybertalk Ends”
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And click here for an Index to All Past CyberTalks.

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Bodhinatha will be happy to hold “Prasnottara Satsang” — “Questions and Answers” over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sadhaka Mahadevan

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Today was Tour Day at the Aadheenam… Here are a few of the visitors.

A clan of Gujarati Patel families from New Jersey and Pennsylvania stopped in later in the morning. They heard about us from the Coconut Beach Hotel and came up yesterday during off hours and visited the rudraksha forest. This morning they had a chance to go see the Iraivan Temple worksite and also enjoy picking betel leaves and bilva leaves. They are part of a community building a $1.5 million Siva temple in the countryside in New Jersey.

The Remarkable Vision
Join this historic undertaking. Please contribute generously. Sponsor a stone today!

Monthly Report
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Iraivan Wonders

Order Sacred Rudrakshas or Gorgeous 2003 Iraivan Calendars with Hindu festival days on them. Great for Gifts! All proceeds go to the building fund.

The completion of Course Twelve of the temple marks an important milestone in the building of the temple because it is the last course of the wall of the sanctum. Subsequent courses are considered to be part of the roof structure. A special ceremony will be held by the silpis to mark this transition. The tradition is to honor the silpis for having brought the temple this far and to give them gifts, appreciation and encouragement. One reason for this is that from here on up, the stones actually get bigger and heavier and the challenge of the construction is enormous. Behnd our Gujarati visitors is the header stone of the doorway of the Mukha Mandapam into the Garba Griham, the inner sanctum. The ceremony is done with the placing of this stone which will be done in a few days. It weighs 3,000 pounds. The stones are larger because they must span the inner openings of the sanctums and be strong enough to support the weight of the vimanam (tower) stones above them.


Transcription of a
Past CyberTalk
Appears Below

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transcription begins

Date: June_27_2002
Title: Anger (Sneaky) Part 2
Category: Good Conduct
Duration: 8 min., 36 seconds
Date Given: June 04, 2002
Given by: Bodhinatha

After I gave that talk last phase, I came across some advise on e-mail and a response. A devotee had written back to some advise that I had given a few months ago, on expressing anger toward a parent. The problem is that occasionally, the devotee flares up when the parent says something, kind of breaks out in anger and angry words on a regular basis, not everyday but at least every week. Something is said that pushes a button, so to speak and out come the angry words.

So the devotee wrote in for some advise, a few months ago. When I reread the advise I gave, I said, “Gee, this is good. It should have gone in the ‘Anger Management’ talk. So we will add it for future versions.” This was the advise.

“Thank you for sharing the details regarding your sometimes angry encounters with you parent. I would suggest, you reflect on the seriousness of inharmony in the home. It is taking a few steps backward in spiritual progress. When you do sadhana, you move forward. But if anger occurs regularly, you step backward and as a result, you could end up standing still. It is like trying to save money for a purpose. You save each week. Then, becoming angry is like spending what you saved the last month. It is difficult to make the financial goal. Taking it more seriously, you are motivated to avoid anger at all cost.”

Just a few days ago, the devotee e-mailed back and said the advise helped, it worked. Not getting angry, not expressing angry words toward the parent anymore. So it showed that realizing how serious it is in terms of one’s spiritual progress is helpful. Some kind of analogy there, such as saving money, where you realize your sadhana is putting money in a jar that your anger is taking out. So consequently you are not really making any progress. If you realize, “Gee, I am not really getting the advantages of my sadhana. I am earning it but then I am throwing it away. So I am not making the progress that I should be.” Just have to harness that tongue, harness those angry words and realize how important it is to do so.

Also in our talk last phase, we went through the eight steps on the ladder of violence. To review, the first one is sneaky anger followed by the cold shoulder, blaming and shaming, swearing, screaming and yelling, demands and threats, chasing and holding, partly controlled violence and, last but not least, blind rage. Most of these are self evident. But to some of us the first two, it might not be clear as to what it includes. Sneaky anger in particular and even the cold shoulder. So I thought we could look at those for a minute. These are taken from the book ‘Angry All the Time’, that Gurudeva drew on for his work on ‘Anger Management’.

Sneaky anger is the first rung on the ladder of violence. It is a state of mind something like this. “I am mad at you for something you did to me and I am going to get back at you and get you really frustrated. But you are not going to even find out that I am mad at you. I am not going to let you know that. I am just going to get back at you and you are going to end up really frustrated. I am going to do that not by doing something but by not doing things.”

So, that is the nature of sneaky anger, very subtle. It is the not doing of things to frustrate someone else because you are mad at them for something they did to you. That is sneaky anger.

We have five versions, according to the book, of sneaky anger. We have a phrase for the first four.

“I forgot”. Not doing something under the guise of forgetting. A familiar youth chore of taking out the garbage. “I forgot to take out the garbage.” How many times have we heard that? How many times is it really true? I am not talking about the legitimately forgetting sometimes people do, to do a simple chore. You remembered and you knew very well that you are supposed to take it out. But, you are going to say when asked why you didn’t take it out – “I forgot to take it out. It slipped my mind.” Sneaky anger, one.

Sneaky anger two. The phrase, “Yes … But”. Purposely not doing something under the guise of an excuse. “It was raining too hard to take out the garbage”. Or, whatever. We come up with a lame excuse as to why we didn’t do it when we are asked. “You wouldn’t want me to get wet, catch cold. It was raining too hard.” Note the fact that it only rains for five minutes and stops! “It was raining too hard.” Yes, … but.

Number three. “I could not figure it out.” Purposely not doing something under the guise of not being smart enough to figure it out. “I could not figure out whose turn it was to take out the garbage. Just could not figure it out, there are four of us and I just could not figure out whose turn it was. So, I didn’t do anything.”

Number four. “I didn’t remember that part.” Purposely not doing something in part under the guise of forgetting that, that part of it was supposed to be done. “Took out the garbage but forgot to take out the gardening debris, sorry.” As the book says, “The word sorry usually appears in this one. I just forgot that part, sorry.”

The last part of sneaky anger, whining or whispering complaints while performing the task, is also sneaky anger. Kind of muttering under your breath, complaining about it but not loud enough so anyone really knows what you are saying. But clearly, you are disgruntled. You grumble, grumble, grumble. Complaining under your breath while you do it, is another form of sneaky anger.

That is interesting! Never would have figured all that out without the book. But those of you who are parents are probably closer to this than the monks are. Very interesting, sneaky anger. That is anger expressed not through doing something but through not doing something, either fully or in part, in all the different ways you cannot do something.
transcription ends

Innersearch 2003-4 in India!

We just completed the July 17-23 Kauai Innersearch, 2002. Bodhinatha will lead the next Innersearch to India, between Dec 2003 and Jan 2004. We will visit Bangalore and the Iraivan Carving Village, and settle in the South in Tamil Nadu, Click on the above for details on what will be an inspiring journey to our holy land of Bharat!

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