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“To know philosophy without experience is like going on a vacation to a distant and wonderful place by simply reading a book about the destination, hearing what others claim is to be enjoyed there. It is not true experience at all. The only spiritual experience is personal experience. My satguru, Siva Yogaswami, made it clear that “You will not attain jnana, wisdom, even if you read a thousand scriptures. You must know your Self by yourself.”

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
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Bodhinatha is in wonderful spirits and looking forward to seeing everyone in Singapore, Malaysia and Mauritius on his up -and-coming trip to Asia.

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All is quiet at the monastery though work proceeds dynamically on many fronts. The color edition of Dancing with Siva includes a great deal more color art and images than the other two books in the trilogy. Here is a symbol being used for the section on Religious Comparisons in the Truth is One, Paths are Many chapter.

We have had very rainy weather lately, but the last two days have been bright and sunny. We use lots of flowers at the Aadheenam and the every blooming Impatient is an important staple for pujas and offerings. A humble flower, but its many varieties thrive and give an abundance of blossoms all year long.

Brilliant colors can be found everywhere at Kauai Aadheenam, especially close up in some of the unusual plants. This is a perfect red to memorize and send out to your whole body as soon as your eyes open in the morning to vivify your body and enliven the spirit in the wee hours before dawn when you awake for your morning puja and sadhana.

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Iraivan Wonders

We have some wonderful pictures from Bangalore where work is proceeding in a powerful way on the Iraivan temple. But, safety first! This was something Gurudeva expected not only for his monks but his silpis. Time for new glasses to be given out. The shipment is blessed on the altar.

Gurudeva worked hard to see that the life and welfare of those working on the temple was taken care of. In the old days it was not unusual for silpis to get severe eye injuries from flying chips of stone. Gurudeva did not want that to happen while his temple was carved.

Jiva Rajasankara gives out the glasses to the team.

This is a good photo of work being done on one of the pillars.

Each square on the side of the pillar has a symbol carved into it. We just received one of these here and they are very beautiful.

The young men work on rough cuts. Some of these stones will be worked on for two years or more!

In order to keep up with the production Jiva says:

“We had to construct a new workshed to do the joining works for the 3 porticos. The earlier sheds had no provision for the forklift to bring the stones right to the shed. Here we have planned it in such a way that even the crane can be used to remove or bring in the stones.”

This saves a lot of time for the workers who otherwise have to move giant stones by hand with bars, levers and rollers.

“The beam stones are all ready for the next shipment.”

These are stones which will project out from the main sanctum at the roof level.

By the end of the year we will begin to see the structure extending out from the main sanctum.

“We are also doing the side-corner joins here to reduce the workload for the team after the stones arrive on Kauai.”

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transcription begins

Date: June_11_2002
Title: Yamas and Niyamas Part 4 Reference List
Category: Yamas and Niyamas
Duration: 12 minutes, 45 seconds
Date Given: May 05, 2002
Given by: Bodhinatha

The last perspective on the Yamas is, a reference list. Something we can
look at periodically. If we are an adult, we can look at it in the spirit
of self-reflection, self-examination to see how well we are doing in these
areas, because it touches all the basic areas in which we might not do well.
It is very comprehensive.

It is a reference list also for parents in raising children, to see if
children are doing well or poorly in each of these areas, to give some
thought in areas in which they are doing poorly and try to figure out a way
to help them improve. Sometimes, the improvement needs to be on your side,
not just on theirs. For example, the tendency to not be truthful comes up
in a home that is threatening to the child. So you cannot expect a child to
be truthful all the time, if the child is fearful of the consequences of
telling the truth. So, sometimes parents have to adjust on their side if
they want the child to conform. Otherwise, no way. It won’t happen.

So, looking at each of the ten in this way, as a reference for
self-examination. For adults, it is the subtle non-adherence to the
principle that comes up. At least, all the adults we are dealing with. We
are not dealing with someone who ends up in jail for shooting somebody or
going around beating up all the neighbors. Those kinds of individuals are
not associating with us. I mean, they are out there but they are not coming
forward to us. The individuals coming forward to us are more refined.
Therefore, if there is non-adherence to one of these principles, it is in a
more subtle way. So, we have to look for the subtlety of the principle when
it comes to an adult. For children it is more obvious. Two children, one
is hitting the other, we know that is not ahimsa.

Ahimsa: Non-injury, not harming others by thought, word or deed. Of
course, it is not the deed that is the problem. It is usually the word.
Yet, we harm others with thoughtless words, insensitive words, teasing,
joking, back-biting, gossiping. All of those areas are the most common ways
in which we do not adhere to ahimsa and we can improve in.

Satya: Truthfulness, refraining from lying and betraying of promises. Here,
sometimes we don’t live up to our word, we betray a promise. We tell
somebody we are going to do something. Either we are not sincere or we just
don’t bother to follow through. That, of course, causes the hard feeling to

Asteya:The state of non-stealing, neither stealing nor coveting or entering
into debt. The most common problem here is the handling of debt. Buying
something on debt and not meeting the terms that are expected. Buying
something that you are supposed to pay for in thirty days but we don’t pay
for in for one hundred and twenty days. That is an abuse of debt, a subtle
form of stealing, borrowing the other person’s money, without his permission
is a subtle form of stealing.

Brahmacharya: Divine conduct, controlling lust by remaining celibate when
single leading to faithfulness in marriage. Of course here it is just a case
of impure thoughts. We let our thoughts dwell in areas we should not. So
that is a common transgression there.

Kshama: Patience, restraining intolerance with people and impatience with
circumstances. I noticed a small correlation with impatience and the
amount of coffee you have in the morning. Has anyone else noticed that
correlation? If you restrain your coffee intake, your espresso intake, you
seem to have more patience with circumstance. So I think here, it is a
question of being reflective, being observant and being willing to admit
when you are showing impatience. Sometimes, in just the pressures of life or
trying to get things done, you are not really sensitive enough to being to
impatient with someone. It is really not the proper thing to do.

Dhriti: Steadfastness, overcoming non-perserverence, fear, indecision,
inconstancy, changeableness. That relates to our changing our mind about
our plans. We plan to do this and then six months later we change our
plan and then six months later we change our plan. We are not holding a
constant plan regarding our life, our domestic life, our careers,
schooling, our plans for marriage. Whatever it is, we keep changing our mind
every six months or so and we are not holding to our plans. That is not
good. It is better to spend time thinking about it in a very through way,
develop a plan and stick to it.

Daya: Compassion, conquer callous, cruel and insensitive feelings toward all
beings. That is a matter of not taking the time to feel how the other
person feels after we act. We take the time and see how this verbal
interaction, how this telephone discussion, how this e-mail, how did it make
the other person feel. Gurudeva once had a sign up in the Monastery. I
forget it exactly, but it is something like – You start with the birds and
the animals and plants and work your way up in terms of being
compassionate. It is a nice tradition in the West where children have pets,
not as common in the East. But it is a way of children learning how to take
care of an animal. Be sensitive to its feelings, not forget to feed it and
so forth.

Arjava: Honesty, straight forwardness, renouncing deception and wrongdoing.
Sometimes we fudge on the small things. Take a tax deduction we really
should not, things like that. So it is a matter of just how something
feels. If it does not quite feel right, then maybe it is not in accord with
this. We might be able to get away with it.

Mitahara: Moderate appetite, neither eating to much nor consuming meat,
fish, fowl, or eggs. Of course, restraining our appetite is a major key to
controlling the instinctive mind. If we are constantly eating between
meals or eating way, way too many sweets, this or that, whatever we are
doing is a way of satisfying our emotions, then it is lessening our control
of our entire instinctive minds. So the more we can moderate our appetite
then the whole instinctive mind responds accordingly.

Saucha: Purity, avoiding impurity in body, mind and speech. Impurity even
relates to the house. It doesn’t mention it here but if the house is not
really clean, it influences our state of mind. If there is a lot of dust
in the corners and so forth, it affects us. Of course, keeping the clothes
clean is important and all. I would say that we all do very well in that
one. It is good to tighten up and now and then. Once a month we go all
around, spend a whole day cleaning the monastery, just to make sure things
are clean. Give it some extra energy. Likewise in the household home, you
could do the same thing. One day of the month, the whole family cleans the
place, make sure everything is nice and clean. It is uplifting and gets rid
of the astral influences that accumulate and influence our state of mind.

Those are some thoughts on yamas, nice overview. We can move forward into
specific yamas in the future talks. A reminder that maybe one of the most
charming parts of ‘Living with Siva’ are the Chapters on the Yamas and
Niyamas. Gurudeva was very inspired when he wrote them. It provides an
in-depth look at each of them that you don’t find anywhere else. Plus
Gurudeva’s insightful combinations of the Yamas and Niyamas, different ones
work with each other. It is truly unique. It is really a great resource
for reflection or just research for working with children. You could give
it some thought. Some good teacher’s reference manual, the Yamas and
Niyamas for teaching one’s older children or grandchildren.

In Malaysia, they are teaching them as part of their seminar. I think they
have three one-day seminar programs. So they chose three Yamas to present
as part of that teaching to the youth. So ‘Living with Siva’ is a good
reference for them to use with the parenting material.

Aum Namah Sivaya!
transcription ends

Innersearch 2003-4 in India!

We just completed the July 17-23 Kauai Innersearch, 2002. Bodhinatha will lead the next Innersearch to India, between Dec 2003 and Jan 2004. We will visit Bangalore and the Iraivan Carving Village, and settle in the South in Tamil Nadu, Click on the above for details on what will be an inspiring journey to our holy land of Bharat!

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