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Gurudeva observes the traditional homa rites at the first stone laying ceremony for Iraivan. He writes in Living with Siva:

“In India’s spiritual traditions there have been for ten thousand years or more two major streams of thought, one called advaita in Sanskrit, or monism in English, and the other called dvaita or theism. Our own tradition, known by many names–monistic theism, Advaita Siddhanta, monistic Saiva Siddhanta or Advaita Ishvaravada–embraces them both fully.”

[Continued below:]

LAST DAY OF THE PHASE: This is Sun Five and this TAKA will remain up until Sun One, Friday, August 16, 2002. Have a wonderful retreat!

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
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Today was the auspicious day of Chitra Nakshatra. We celebrated a powerful Pada puja for Gurudeva this morning. Bodhinatha here watches the ceremony in progress.

Gurudeva, continued: ” I discovered that the path of monism and theism is the whole of life. As my satguru explained, it is the entire path. He compared it to an orchestra and an audience. Playing in an orchestra and being in the audience are two different experiences. The audience without the orchestra is not complete. They would be just sitting hearing nothing. The orchestra without the audience is not complete. They would be entertaining no one.”

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“So it is in the plane of duality. We have to practice duality in an intelligent way. Satguru Yogaswami had the full advaitic realization of the Self, Parasiva, but at the same time he had the fullness of dvaitic devotion toward God, the Gods and his guru. “

Living with Siva, Lesson 306, Monistic Theism

Jai Gurudeva…. milk abhishekam…

Yogi Japendranatha on the left is our Guru pujari today and Sadhaka Jivanandanatha on the right assists him.

The morning always begins with a simple homa fire accompanied by the chanting of Sri Rudram. Many are writing prayers to Gurudeva, to burn in the homa fire.

Final arati… Jai Gurudeva!

The monks line up to give the sacraments to the devotees who come forward to prostrate and touch the sacred sandals.

Our silpis also join us for this auspicious event. It is something we all look forward to each month as Gurudeva’s very special and personal vibration fills the atmosphere and our hearts in a very powerful way.

Meanwhile our book team is hard at work on Dancing with Siva. With color, comes many new decisions and possibilities. Here Paramacharya Palaniswami reviews with Yogi Japendranatha the art work that will be on the title page of each chapter.

We just recently got a new color printer that outputs tabloid sized sheets with very high quality output. This is a boon for accurate proofing of what will be the final work. Here is the “spread” across two pages for the chapter opening of “Sacred Worship.”

Meanwhile in Malaysia work is progressing on the color version of Merging with Siva and the proofs of the color cover and black plates arrived today.

This is the opening of a chapter in Merging with Siva. The artwork on the left is only the black “separation” of what will be a color page in the final book.

The “blueline” as it is called (because the type is in a blue color) fill two volumes and will now be carefully reviewed by the team for corrections before going to press. It’s a wonderful day and Gurudeva is smiling down on us for sure as the color edition of all three books of the Trilogy was an important goal for him.

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transcription begins

Date: May_10_2002
Title: Yamas and Niyamas Part 2
Category: Yamas and Niyamas
Duration: 6 min., 26 seconds
Date Given: May 05, 2002
Given by: Bodhinatha

The other image which is helpful is thinking about a spiritual foundation. These days it may have always been that way. Certainly these days, lots of individuals are interested in the spiritual path, want to make progress. What approach do they want to take? “Let us forget the basic. Let us just jump into the advance practices. Who needs the basic? Those are for someone less evolved than I am. I will just start with the end of the path and forget about the beginning.” Right? “Just give me a high powered pranayama. That is all I need, a real good pranayama. I will sit in meditation and really go within.” Right?

Of course, this approach does not work too well because they don’t have a foundation, a spiritual foundation. It is like trying to do anything without learning the basics first. We really can’t sustain it. Gurudeva has a nice quote on that.

“It is true that bliss comes from meditation and it is true that higher consciousness is the heritage of all mankind. However, the ten restraints and their corresponding practices,” practices means the Niyamas, ” are necessary to maintain bliss consciousness.” Gurudeva is saying, the idea that though without them you can do something, get your pranayama going and get into bliss, you won’t sustain it because you don’t have the instinctive mind and the intellectual mind under control. They are going to pop up and cause you to lose your state of bliss consciousness or override it. You will become angry or something and there goes bliss. You can’t be angry and blissful at the same time. You haven’t seen someone angry and blissful at the same time, have you? No, if you become angry you lose your bliss, definitely.

In thinking about a spiritual foundation, I was drawing the analogy to building a tall skyscraper. How many of you have ever seen a very tall building being built? Like in San Francisco, in the old days some of us saw the Transamerican Pyramid being built. Or some really tall building and you notice how far down below the surface of the earth they dig? Really, far down. The taller the building is, the further down they have to dig. Why? So it doesn’t fall over, right? Okay, we can learn something from this.

Gurudeva says, “The fact is the higher we go, the lower we can fall. The top chakras spin fast, the lowest one available to us spins even faster. The platform of character must be built within our lifestyle to maintain the total commitment, the total contentment needed to persevere on the path.”

So, in thinking about this foundation for the building, the idea is first you put in concrete, so much concrete! It is amazing how much they pour down there. So that is like the Yamas. The first part that holds up our consciousness is the foundations of the Yamas. In concrete they put steel, right? So the steel is like the Niyamas. It comes out of the concrete and goes up. It is because of digging deep, the foundation is a solid one. We are really good at the Yamas and Niyamas, that is what digging deep means. We mastered them. Because the foundation is deep and consists of cement and steel, the building is stable. It goes up and it doesn’t fall over. So that is the idea. When our mastery of the Yamas and Niyamas is good, our consciousness goes up, doesn’t come back down, we don t fall down. Why? Because we have the foundation. The foundation was there in the first place.

Gurudeva is even more specific in another quote. He says, “These restraints and practices build character. Character is the foundation for spiritual unfoldment.”

All of what I have said so far about foundation can be summarized in the word, character or character building.

When Gurudeva came back from the European Innersearch, that was one of his themes. I don’t know what stimulated it, not being on the Innersearch myself. But he was going around talking a lot about character building and philosophical understanding. I remember he said, “What we need to stress at this time among new students and new Church members are those two areas. Character building and philosophical understanding.”

Based upon that, the devotional practices will make more sense and bear more fruit, let alone the meditating practices. So, build character.
transcription ends

Innersearch 2003-4 in India!

We just completed the July 17-23 Kauai Innersearch, 2002. Bodhinatha will lead the next Innersearch to India, between Dec 2003 and Jan 2004. We will visit Bangalore and the Iraivan Carving Village, and settle in the South in Tamil Nadu, Click on the above for details on what will be an inspiring journey to our holy land of Bharat!

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