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Summer 2002, Sadhu Paksha Day Seven:


“What Is Pure Love?

“Love is the sum of all the spiritual laws. We may say that love is the heart of the mind. Anything that comes before you in life can be conquered through universal love, a force which is a demonstration of the soul. Universal love has nothing to do with emotional infatuation, attachment or lust. It flows freely through the person whose mind is unclouded by resentment, malice, greed and anger. But in persons whose minds are partially out of control and under the control of another, the force of the soul ends up as infatuation or attachment.”

–Living with Siva

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

Mystic Mouse Coloring Book Now available
Today’s sample page. —– Click here to get your copy today!

Yogaswami said:

[From Words of Our Master, Page 5]

“All work must be done with the aim of reaching God.

Beware of bad qualities.

Man can know his past and future births. But by getting rid of desire he can put an end to birth altogether.

After spending ten hours of the day in your employment, use your leisure hours well.

God has rescued the soul, which is like Valliamma trapped by the hunters, and taken it under His protection.

Let purification and atma darsana come slowly.

Enough of learning!

Singing Tevaram is one method of controlling the wandering mind.

If you remain in nirvikalpa samadhi, the body will be free of disease.

Of what use is garb or outward show?

If the chimney is black with smoke, you cannot see the light; similarily, maya obscures the atma.

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Standing on the foundation… we look up at the temple sanctum.

The Remarkable Vision
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Iraivan Wonders

Sharpened chisels are lined up ready for use, having just come up from the forge.

These are smoothing chisels. The end is flat and the metal is cross-hatched while it is still red-hot. This results in a large number of small points. The chisels on the left are a wide gauge, meaning the cross hatches may be as much as 1/4 of an inch apart, with about 40 points. The silpi will place this flat on the surface of the stone and pound straight down while rotating the chisel, smoothing the surface. Then he takes the next smaller guage and goes over the surface again… until final he will be smoothing the surface with a chisel that has about 200 fine points… This is the equivalent of “sanding” the stone.

Beams for the upper courses.

These are giant stones that have arrived in the most recent shipment. In the center you can see one on its side with a perfect square on its top (facing us) This is one of the many stones that will be placed on the foundation and be the support for the pillars which are placed right on top of that square.

This is the image of Gurudeva carved into the Parampara stone.

Colors scanning of the original paintings by S. Rajam continues as Dancing with Siva color edition work progresses daily.

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transcription begins

Date: May_06_2002
Title: Gratitude and Appreciation
Category: Relationships
Duration: 12 min., 24 seconds
Date Given: April 29, 2002
Given by: Bodhinatha

Yesterday Palaniswami and I attended the Vision Kauai meeting. The Mayor was there and we had a special guest, Alise Ridges who created the ‘Blue Ribbons’, the creator of “Who I am makes a difference” blue ribbon, which is what we use in our appreciation verbalizations. She has lots of material, “Who I am makes a difference – A social vaccine uniting youth and community to make a difference.” She told a lot of wonderful stories and I thought I would share one of them on appreciation.

She works a lot with schools. So in this story, the teacher simply acknowledged every student in the class. Went around one at a time, expressed how he appreciated them and the qualities in them that he appreciated. He was very careful to verbalize specific qualities for each student and make a difference. It was not just a generalization, “You are wonderful, you are smart” or something. But to really see the person and acknowledge that student for the different wonderful qualities that each one had. Part of it was a pay forward. This teacher gave each of them two ribbons and they had to go appreciate one more person and then give that person another ribbon to appreciate someone else.

It was very touching in terms of the microcosm, how it made everyone feel better about themselves and catalyzed some people to express how much they appreciate another person, like a son to a father, a father to a son that would not have happened otherwise.

She is busy on the West Side right now. The West Side Coalition Group of businesses, non-profits and schools has sponsored her coming to the Island and you will probably see some write-ups in ‘The Garden Island’ about their efforts. They are working on, I believe, it is the Kaikaha High School that needs a lot of help, getting everyone there appreciating each other.

So we did that and it made me recall our wonderful write-up from Gurudeva in ‘Living with Siva’. You recall we have two sadhanas given to us, the first is the sadhana of gratitude. You are supposed to do that before you do your sadhana of appreciation.

“The sadhana of gratitude. The sadhana here is to take out paper and pen and list all the good that has come into your life during the past five years. This list will grow as memory is stimulated. Should it not be possible to think of even one good thing then write the affirmation several times, “I am a spiritual being of light maturing in the ocean of experience.” Soon a good memory will come up followed by more. Feelings of loving appreciation will begin to flow toward those who participated in the good time. Forgiveness then wells up for the bad times.”

That is our first sadhana there and it is a good one to do now and then. Of course, if we do it regularly we don’t have to go back to five years. But definitely if we are feeling, shall we say a little down, not fully inspired. We are looking at the glass and it is half empty rather than half full. It is a good one to do because then we will remember all the wonderful events that have taken place in our life and all the people that have done wonderful things for us.

This leads to the sadhana of appreciation. The sadhana of appreciation is to approach those you are grateful to and tell them to their face while looking deep into their eyes how much you esteem and value them. Be specific.

So that is the key. You don’t just want to say, “You are wonderful”, but you want to say specific things about the person so they have a sense that you are really deeply feeling what you say, it is just not a surface compliment.

“Be specific. Find details to share so they know this is not a shallow compliment.”

I should have just kept reading!

“Explain what each one has done to inspire this loving confrontation and convince each in turn that you are sincere. The look of a full smiling face, eyes shining and heart full of love, perhaps followed by a big hug is convincing enough in itself. Words of appreciation are words people do not often hear. These loving confrontations do not happen nearly often enough among friends and relatives in today’s world. Loving appreciation is a magic formula that works both ways. When we commend another, we are automatically uplifted.”

A story she told from ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’. Is that what it is called? One of the stories in the book is right here. It got published in this book, it was so moving. She told it and tears come to everyone in the group.

A young man working for a firm, his employer was rather gruff. So he got up his courage and decided to appreciate him one day. He appreciated him in his brilliance as an inventor, “You have so much to teach me in your brilliance as an inventor.” Then he urged that man to pass on that appreciation to another person. So when he went home. He passed it on to his son. He told his son how much he loved him, that he was sorry that he didn’t say it more often when he came home, he was preoccupied with work and all that. But he really loved his son and appreciated him and thought he was a fine person. So then the son opens the drawer, shows the father the gun and says he was going to shoot himself tomorrow, commit suicide. But because he was appreciated by his father, he changed his mind.

This is a true story. It shows the power of appreciation and it shows the opposite side of just not telling people we love them, expressing our feelings. We don’t express our feelings enough.

But people need it. Particularly younger people need it or people who are seeing the glass as half empty and not totally in a positive state of mind, they need appreciation. It makes all the difference. So it is a real important part of relating to one another in the community.

(And) We have some opportunities coming up to do that, Mothers Day is coming up. You wonder why Gurudeva put Mothers Day, Fathers Day and Grandparents Day in our calendar. Even in Malaysia they are celebrating US Mothers Day because it is the natural opportunity to express appreciation. Sometimes it is hard to find the right time. This is a time that has been set aside. “Okay, it is Mothers Day. What do we do? Appreciate Mother!” It is very nice and certainly everyone in our congregation has that spirit even overseas. It is a great time to verbalize our appreciation and as Gurudeva says, be specific. Try and figure out very specific points because that makes someone really feel you thought about it and it has a heartfelt sincerity behind it. A month after that we have Fathers Day, the man’s turn and a couple of months after that we have Grandparents Day.

There was one story I forgot to tell on appreciation, I just remembered it. Normally you think, “Well, appreciation is something all human beings need.” But there is a story that goes beyond that. We have the office cat. Certain Kulams have office cats and others don’t. That is their space, you know, no one else’s. So the office cat for the Ekadanta Kulam, his nickname is Babu. Not everyday but quite often, he will come into the office around 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning, sit in a conspicuous place and start meowing. So Arumurugaswami was there one morning, “What is this cat doing?” (And) I said, “He just wants acknowledgement and appreciation.” He does. So, you go over to him, acknowledge him and say a few kind words, how wonderful he is and how happy we are to have him as our office cat. He stops meowing and starts licking himself. He is very happy. But he wants you to acknowledge him. He has come in, this is his office, he is part of this situation. “Please acknowledge me and appreciate me.” Well, it is a real story, it happens every other day or so.

Appreciation even extends beyond people. Even animals have a need for appreciation and acknowledgement.
transcription ends

Innersearch 2003-4 in India!

We just completed the July 17-23 Kauai Innersearch, 2002. Bodhinatha will lead the next Innersearch to India, between Dec 2003 and Jan 2004. We will visit Bangalore and the Iraivan Carving Village, and settle in the South in Tamil Nadu, Click on the above for details on what will be an inspiring journey to our holy land of Bharat!

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