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Jai Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami! Jai Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami!

We have completed a wonderful phase of Guru Purnima and Innersearch Kauai 2002. We feel Gurudeva’s presence strongly within and all around us. Everyone was uplifted with the great sense of love and joy that overflowed through the Aadheenam and all the pilgrims during the past phase. This is all a gift from Gurudeva, who taught us the way to live.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

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Bodhinatha spoke spontaneously this morning, telling a few stories and testimonies of how Gurudeva uplifted everyone he met. Bodhinatha talked about the spirit of inspiration and how Hinduism is an experiential religion wherein one can find joy and happiness within, a religion with more tools for spiritual transformation than we can ever possibly use in a lifetime.

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Our Sun One homa was attended by our local residents and also by some pilgrims who stayed on Kauai for a few days to “absorb” the vibrations here after a week of intense activities.

This is Mr. and Mrs. Ravichandran and Patmavathi Krishnan from Johore Bahru, Malaysia. Ravichandran is a student of Himalayan Academy and an ardent sevak for Hinduism Today and Iraivan temple in his area. He has been here before by himself.

This time he brought his wife. Patmavathi had a wonderful time and is inspired to help with the fund raising for Iraivan when she goes home.

Himalayan Academy Travel Study Programs

Innerserach Kauai, 2002

We bring you a final series of photos from the Innersearch which concluded three days ago. On day four the innersearcher took a trip on a boat to the west and north shore of Kauai. It was said to be the most spectacular of all the sight-seeing events of the whole week.

From the west side which is very dry, the boat traveled north where the on-coming winds rise up and deliver their rains. Here we see this phenomenon in action and a rainbow to show the point where all the water is deposited.

Innersearch if more than just classes and meditations. It is also a time to reflect on the grandeur of life and to see God in the exquisite world of nature.

Day Five was Guru Purnima day, and in the afternoon the innersearchers took for the skies to fly over the top of Kauai.

Another opportunity to get into the “mountain top perspective.”

The face of the mountains are full of water falls. We are reminded of how the Rishis created the wonderful myths of Lord Siva catching the falling Ganga in his hair.

The spectacular coastline.

Precious beaches and valleys that are difficult to access… Centuries ago these valleys were homeland for Hawaiian tribes on Kauai.

Later in the evening all the pilgrims gathered for dinner at their hotel. Here Matthew Reese get to know the wonderful Janaka.

Gifts were given out. This year’s group photo was one of our best yet.

The last day, the following morning… Sun Rise Meditation on the eastern shore of Kauai.

This is always a powerful time of day, and an ancient Hindu tradition: observance of meditation and worship at dawn.

Gurudeva also loved the dawn… the tradition continues.

For twelve years, in California, every week, Gurudeva took a group for a local pilgrimage up to the top of Mount Tamalpias to watch the sun rise. Now we know why the mountain has that name: Tamil Pious.

The the final aloha breakfast when various monks, innersearchers and pilgrims share their testimony.

Swanmi Bua with Bodhinatha. His presence is always a blessing and a great reminder of the purity and greatness we can all achieve. At 114 years of age, he sets a high standard for us all. It has been a blessing to host home and have him with us this week.

Bodhinatha gives a wonderful final speech.

Trent Smail offers his thoughts on the week’s events.

More gifts from the monastery. The very popular and very important Weaver’s Wisdom: the Holy Tirukkural.

Aloooooha! Join us next year. The current plan is for Innersearch 2003 to go to India. We will see you there!

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our annual Innersearch Travel-Study program is in progress as you can see. Why don’t you plan to join us next year?

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