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Gurudeva was wonderful with children and they really loved him and were never afraid to approach him. I think we told this story before on TAKA, but it’s worth telling again: Once in India Gurudeva was visiting the home of a devotee in the inner districts of Tamil Nadu — Rajapalayam. The children of schools of the nearby villages heard about his visit and all came to see him. He sat patiently and put vibhuti on all their foreheads as they streamed by for several hours. Later we were told that this was the first time a holy man had ever bothered to take time to bless these “common” youngsters.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

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Two great souls met today privately to talk about important matters. Swami Bua loved Gurudeva with all his heart and soul. When Gurudeva had his Maha Samadhi, Swami Bua, who was in New York at his ashram there, which is an apartment building in central Manhatten, fasted without food or water for seven days. Some of his students asked him why? He told them that Gurudeva has passed on. They asked him why that should be cause for him to fast. He told them: “What do you know! Such a great soul! Never ask me this again!” Now he requested to get to know Bodhinatha a little better.

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Today’s Guru Purnima events began with Muruga puja at 6:00 am in the morning. Here is our temple just at dawn.

The temple was packed with Innersearchers and pilgrims. This hour of the day at Kadavul is always a powerful time for worship and meditation.

The image of Lord Murugan in the form of Subramaniya, the Effulgent One, is one of the most beautiful in the whole world. When it was being carved in Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu, India, the then president of Sri Lanka happened to see it and begged to be able to purchase it to take home. But he was told it was commissioned already for Gurudeva’s temple in Hawaii.

All stand for the final Arati.

Vetri Vel Muruganukku! Haro Hara!

Lord Murugan carries the spirit of the Satguru and has a special place in our Saiva Siddhanta tradition. In Sri Lanka, that power vortex known as the Nallur Kandasamy Koyil, Lord Murugan’s temple in Jafffna, was the place where the transmission occured from Sage Chellappa to Siva Yogaswami who sang:

“My Guru, Peerless Chellappar, I saw at Nallur,
‘neath the sacred Chariot of Murugan.
He gazed at me in grace, my wise Teacher–
Him do I praise engulfed in bliss.”

“There at the ancient abode of Nallur,
I saw Him and bowed. Lo, I got into a trance.
In speechless silence, He bade me find who I am.
Distinctions fade, as I imbibe His Grace,
Instanteous is my gain of insight and joy.”

In the traditions of pilgrimage, penance, purification, the shaving of the head is a common practice even for lay people who will undergo this renunciation of that which vanity holds most dear… one’s head of hair… to help them enter deeper into the spirit of worship and self-transformation. Here in the case of young Bhajana, who, surprised us when, of his own accord, he requested to have his head shaved. It is also a traditional samskara of youth, normally done at a younger age, signifying the removal of the “baby” hair and the sanctification of the passage into a more mature childhood. Bodhinatha blesses him with the traditional sandal paste.

The morning’s activities next were the group photo. Though it’s hard to see in this small photo, this was one of our best ever…

Then follow the morning round of spiritual practice and classes. This morning the Innersearchers were introduced to the practice of Ganga Sadhana, one which Gurudeva prescribed and has prescribed in different ways through the years… to “flow with the river of life.”

The sadhana is very specific. One should find a seat next to a river. The spot should be next to a place where the water is flowing and not a still pool.

One gathers some flowers and some leaves and then sits quietly by the flowing water, listening to the sound of the river, hearing in its rushing and bubbling the sound of Aum Namasivaya. While doing this the sadhana is to tune into the now, become one with the water, one with the stones, realize the perfection of the universe, understand how the rocks do not resent the crashing waters and the water does not resent the presence of rocks, but flows joyfully around them ever moving onward in its quest to merge in the ocean.

While one is thus meditating, if a thought should arise that is not in this flow of consciousness, it will be the rising of some subconscious memory, an experience of the past, some unresolved karma perhaps tied with emotions. One then takes a leaf and mentally puts the thoughts that have come up into the leaf and then puts this leaf into the flowing waters and watches the leaf go down the river. Then, the devotee performing this sadhana, takes a flower and, thanking the river for having carried away the thoughts, put the flower into the river mmand resumes the meditation.

With regular practice, the Ganga Sadhana yields the great reward of perfect peace, a very real release from inner burdens, the realization of the perfection of the flow of our lives, the tranquil acceptance and letting go of past experiences.

Later in the morning our pilgrims continue with their shum chanting class. Swami Bua really enjoys the shum chanting and is enthralled with Gurudeva’s language of meditation.

Meanwhile the Innersearchers receive another class from their study guide led by Saravananathaswami.

With all the pilgrims in class, finally our two sages have time for a meeting of minds. Swami Bua is 112 years of age. He expressed to Bodhinatha his deep love of Gurudeva and how much he feels connected to this monastery and all the monks. One of Swami’s Bua’s great ambitions had always been to “give Bhiksha to Gurudeva” which means, to feed Gurudeva at his own residence, which never happened. Now he extends that same invitation to Bodhinatha, inviting him to visit his ashram the next time that he comes to New York. Swami is a wonderful cook and not only teaches hatha yoga to his students, but he also feeds them and teaches them how to cook.

Today Bodhinatha finished his powerful Karma Management course of lectures with the closing clincher that the key being able to stay on track is simple. To follow the Yamas and Niyamas. Here we have the Yamas and Niyamas pamphlets we have recently printed which Bodhinatha shares with Swami Bua.

More group pictures were taken this morning with Bodhinatha. Here is Indivar Sivanatha with Mr. and Mrs. Durvasa and Ishani Alahan and two of their daughters, Nisha and Sitara, who has also shaven her head and their young guest Kartikkeya Katir who is staying with the Alahan family as they live within walking distance of the Aadheenam and Kartikkeya is able to walk over day to serve his 12 days on task force before returning to California.

One of the challenges and also fun aspects of Innersearch is finding interesting ways to feed a group of fifty people three times a day throughout the whole program. Not an easy task by any means. Last nights dinner was catered care of Mr. and Mrs. Shankar Nathan of Koloa. Vidya here greets Bodhinatha at the door of her new home there. She and the ladies spent several days preparing a traditional Tamil meal with many dishes for the occasion.

We honor the wonderful couple with some gifts for their new home. A poster of artwork and a large poster of the newly done Aloha Spirit artwork.

Paramacharya Palaniswami makes the presentation. Larry Rivera was on hand with his daughter to sing for the evening.

At home our Kauai Mission sevaks continue the behind the scenes work. Here they are preparing decorations for the big event tomorrow: Satguru Purnima, weaving garlands and Tolanams from carnations and coconut frons. Mrs. Tara Katir, Kartikkeya, Nisha Alahan and Amala Seyon….

This service is always uplifting for it takes the devotion of one’s heart and brings it out to the world of the temple. This is chariya, service, that purifies the character and builds a foundation for inner life.

The have made a lot or progress already!

This is a beauty… Nisha learned how to do these when she was studying at Kalakshetra in Chennai.

More VIP shots… This is the very vocal Yatajatadeva Naggappan, from Malaysia. He says: “Take heed of Bodhinatha’s Karma Management principles and change your life forever… I am watching you!”

Putrika Tuhina Nagappan
is Yatajatadeva’s sister, born January 4th this year, who brings us words of wisdom today: “I have been observing this group and I think they are really all doing very well. Don’t forget to get up before dawn at least five times ever week, worship with a full heart, study the scripture and meditate, meditate and realize God inside yourself!”

She adds, “Of course, don’t get too down on yourself about anything. What karma may come or go… Life is meant to be lived joyously! Now, where is my mother, time for my feeding….”

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our annual Innersearch Travel-Study program is in progress as you can see. Why don’t you plan to join us next year?

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