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Gurudeva holds a statue of Lord Ganesha that has arrived from Mahabalipuram, India. It was bound for a new temple somewhere in USA. As he had done through the years, he responded to temple societies queries about “How best to get started building a temple.” with the response: “Start the worship of Lord Ganesha right away! I will send you a murthi from India myself.” His generousity in this regard became widely known and over time the query changed to: “We plan to start a temple, can Gurudeva send us a Ganesha murthi with his blessings to get the project going?” Recent temples that have begun this way just in the last three years are to be found in Alaska, Arizona, Palm Springs, California, Utah, Michigan, California, Wisconsin, Calgary and Vancouver, Canada. Previously others were the now successful Meenakshi Temple in Texas, the Sita Rama temple in Chicago and many more. Over 30 temples the world over were “seeded” with these murthies through the years.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

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Yesterday was the 21st wedding anniversary for Deva and Gayatri Rajan. Last evening, at the picnic dinner at Lydgate Park by the beach Bodhinatha wrapped them in a shawl as a blessing.

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We carry on here with photos from Innersearch. Taking a break from the hotels for a different meal venue and home cooked menu, yesterdays’ supper was by the beach. Here all the innersearch disembark at Lydgate Park.

Paramacharya Palaniswami addresses the whole group. A cool, stiff breeze kept the possibility of showers at bay.

This is Bodhinatha with an old Himalayan Academy student, Robert Sorrels, who was a student of Gurudeva in the late 1960’s. He knew Bodhinatha then as a young monk and now has come full cycle back to meet him again as Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami.

Meanwhile our mission members prepare the lavish picnic supper with dishes brought by various members.

In fact, many dishes of this meal were prepared in California and flown in to Hawaii! And along with dishes made by our members it was a great repast. No matter how carefully one tries to orchestrate meals catered at a hotel, they can never do as well as home cooking by our own ladies!

A gift for the wedding anniversary couple: a beautiful mounted picture of Lord Ganesha.

And a big cake to celebrate a wonderful long union.

Recently arrived is the wonderful 2003 calendar, brainchild of Ajaya Hotranatha who prepared it with images of the Iraivan temple to be sold as a fund raiser for the temple. Finished copies have arrived and you can purchase your copy soon and make a contribution to the temple in doing so. Key dates for religious festivals and observances are there for the entire year.

Today’s events began with everyone’s attendance to the daily San Marga puja.

First, as in all Hindu temples, the arati to Lord Ganesha.

After Gurudeva’s vision of Lord Siva walking on the land in 1975, he instituted a daily puja to be performed at the outdoor sanctum. The area has a serene atmosphere and a very profound peace that penetrates to the core of the soul.

Swami Bua in attendance while Sadhaka Nilakanta tends a small homa fire. Only the simplest daily ceremonies have been performed at this natural sacred spot, yet the vibration is as strong as that of any temple.

Bodhinatha performs the abhishekam. One of the sadhanas that Gurudeva said pilgrims can perform who come to the San Marga Sanctuary, is to begin a walk at the Rudraksha Forest, down San Marga, meditating on the path, the spiritual path, your spiritual path, which is none other than San Marga. When you arrive at the Third World section where a stream flows under the path, take a pot of water and carry this to the Iraivan Swayambhu Lingam and perform your own abhishekam as one would do in North India if one were by the Ganges. One could do this sadhana, one time, three times or many times in a single day, as a penance or contemplative practice — representing your life as it should be — walking the straight path to God.

Aum Namasivaya! Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

In Gurudeva’s vision, Lord Siva was sitting on the rock, just behind Bodhinatha, the low flat one… and he was pointing with his right hand to the round one indicating that this was the Siva Lingam to be worshipped. From that day onward a simple puja has been performed without fail for over 25 years. This outdoor shrine will be preserved in its natural form through the years.

Following breakfast and a break the next event of the day was Bodhinatha’s next “installment” of his Karma Management seminar. It was a powerful talk and full of humorous anecdotes… In his meditation on the matter of accepting one’s karma he realized there was a difference between two kinds of monists.

“Listen carefully and see if you can hear the difference…. We have the “Monist” and we also have the “Moanist.” Can you hear the difference.” [Huge laugh from the crowd.]

Monists accept the will of God and accept the law of karma. Moanists complain and resent events and their karma.

The talk was every practical and powerful in its usefulness in putting into action the laws of karma in one’s spiritual life.

This morning, Paramacharya Palaniswami conducts the daily innersearch class in the Orchid Mandapam. It is a near straight down, 100-foot drop to the Wailua River from here.

Simultaneously, pilgrims not on Innersearch received a class on Shum Chanting and the 12th “Mamsane” or monthly shum meditation of the year. This simple meditation consists of three shum portraits which were explained by Shanmuganathaswami:


Mingbaseda — Harmony with one’s Sat Guru; proper guru-sishiya relationship

Nabletya — to strive, to be dedicated in practice
Ookanashum — the instructions of the Guru: sadhanas and challenges to be performed through which one advances oneself on the path of soul evolution.

Another extremely full day, of worship, joyful satsang and spiritual education. Aaah! Life as it should be!

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

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Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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