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Gurudeva at a meeting of leaders here on Kauai. His generousity and vision encompassed the whole island community. He felt that, as the island would be the home of Iraivan, it was our duty to help see that our island home prospered and was nurtured in a high-minded way.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
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This Guru Purnima many devotees are getting their first opportunity to have closer contact with Gurudeva’s successor, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami. This is a great shot because we see three generations together, Easvan and Devi Param, their son Chandran and daughter-in-law Sahanadevi Param and their sons Bhajana, 7, and little Jeya, 4.

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Bodhinatha’s morning talks continue on the subject of Karma Management. They are powerful and compelling in their practical nature. His presentation has been finely tuned and very well organized and some of those listening are so inspired they are taking notes to meditate on when the return home for the day. Some themes from today: Misconception: Astrology is the cause of my karma… if I can do “Sani puja” that is rituals to the planet Saturn, it will fix everything. That is a wrong notion, Bodhinatha explained. The source of the karma is within us, not in the stars. The astrology only sets the timing of the karma we carry into this life. Management Principle: “Forgive the agent of your karma.” Karma usually comes through other people. And though we may have mastered nonretaliation, and accept it as our resposibility, still we may carry bad thoughts toward the other person. The solution is to forgive them.

While the innersearchers have classes the pilgrims are also receiving separate classes.

Most of these are long time devotees and this gives Shanmuganathaswami and Natarajnathaswami an opportunity to move into some deeper material. Here they are going into the Shum language and teaching the members about the Mamsane Meditations.

Himalayan Academy Travel Study Programs

Innersearch Kauai 2002
[In Progress]

Paramacharya Ceyonswami gave the morning class yesterday from the daily study guide.

It is a wonderful group of souls from all over the US, Mauritius, Malaysia and Canada with young and old alike all together.

The innersearchers then left for lunch at the Hyatt at Poipu. But before lunch, first a visit to the bird center at the hotel, where very tame parrots and cockatoos are on hand to amaze the guests and tourists.

Six-year-old Kirsten Lien was tickled to have this big friendly bird on her arm. Brave little girl! I know a lot of adults who would “never let that thing get near me!”

And of course, Swami Bua also had to have a turn. Some of these birds can get as old as he is (114).

Then lunch together. A time for “melding of minds.” Especially in the West devotees don’t always have a community of Hindus in the immediate vicinity of where they live. So have a big group together like this is so uplifting to everyone.

Then up to the famed Waimea Canyon. We were blessed with a clear day–despite pouring rain elsewhere on the island–and a spectacular view of the North Shore Napali Coast line and its ancient valleys running down to the sea. Thousands of Hawaiians lived in this valley over 200 years ago.

Gurudeva always loved to include high places in his travel study programs. It gives everyone and opportunity to experience the “Mountain Top Consciouness” of the fourth chakra platform from where we should all live our daily lives.

It’s a time to reflect on one’s life and “innersearch” the future of spiritual work and striving.

To fulfill the teaching of Sage Chellappaswami here is easy, “Stand outside and be a witness!”

Yogaswami said: “There is a chair at the top of your head. Go up there and sit in it.”

And a time also for making friends. OK, smile… say: “EEEEswara” Snap…

One of the innersearchers gave Swami Bua the traditional Hawaiian crown of sacred plants.

This is a wonderful reunion as Paramacharya Palaniswami had met Swami Bua with Gurudeva in 1969 on an innersearch in Europe with Gurudeva when Swami was “only” in his seventies.

The bright sun revealed a vista of amazing colors.

Then back home today, the classes continued this morning with Acharya Kumarswami.

These were focused on an in-depth study of Bodhinatha’s karma management series.

After the morning talks and classes the whole group was taken on a tour of the land. Of course the Iraivan temple is the center of attraction,

Our new fund raising tent has a great set of photos and drawings now, making it very easy to give visitors a clear over view of the whole project. And, a 16-million dollar thermometer will be self-explanatory for those who as the question: “How much should I make out the check for?”

Answer: Anywhere between $10,000.00 and $12 Million would be nice. They got to spend extra time in the tent as a downpour drenched the area.

The trek up to the temple carving site. It’s always a surprise to go up so high.

Course number 12 is in place and the innersearch get a dramatic vision of the beauty of the temple.

Each on has an opportunity to chip the stones to get a first hand feel for the work these men are doing.

“Boy, this would be some job all by hand!”

mmmm. How long would it take me to carve off 1/4 of an inch off the top of this stone?? Two days?

Shanmuga Sthapati is always the gracious host. His humble demeanor belies his great competence. He is one of the top temple builders of the world.

Everyone listens attentively to the story of the temple erection.

A wonderful group photo. Many here are active financial supporters of the project and are see the results of their donations, and the men they are supporting.

Away we go. Swami Bua was given an all-San Marga tour.

Sannyasin Natarajnathaswami takes them all around.

This morning we had a photo shoot of all the innersearcher…. way too many to show you so we thought we would bring you pictures of the most prominent VIP’s in the group. This is the famed Bhajana Param, know for his energy and drive. No one can play for as long and as hard as he can. He loves the water and if it rains and there is no umbrella, no problem.

His brother Jeya is going to be a movie star.

Recently reincarnated Matthew Reese sends you all his love and blessings. He says: “Do your sadhana every day…. stay on the path of dharma!”

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our annual Innersearch Travel-Study program is in progress as you can see. Why don’t you plan to join just next year?

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