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Gurudeva walks around the Iraivan temple foundation after the surcharge of earth was applied. Enough soil to equal the full weight of the future stone temple was placed on the foundation. After six months the engineers were unable to detect any shift at all in the foundation.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

Mystic Mouse Coloring Book Now available
Today’s sample page. —– Click here to get your copy today!

Guru Purnima festivities and Innersearch 2002 begin next week. And all the monks are gearing up for all the work that will be going on behind the scenes to manage the festival.

Meanwhile yesterday’s TAKA edition was delayed due to some technical difficulties so we are running again our announcement about Mystic Mouse Coloring book:


And, we are happy to announce a new web site for teachers and parents who would like to order bulk copies for classes at a super discount. Click here to get five copies or more in one order.

Or Click here to get your single copy to bring the values of Sanatana Dharma into the world of children and young people.

Click on the link above to view today’s sample Mystic Mouse page (you can print these out and give to your children to color while you wait for your copy to arrive.)

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Welcome to Choladeva Chandranatha and Kartikeya Easan Katir who have both arrived to serve on Task Force. Choladeva will be here for six months and Kartikeya for nine days.

Sadhaka JIvanandanatha is working hard on Hinduism Today pages for the coming October issue. Here he is working on a feature story for the next issue of Hinduism Today. He’s usually the man behind this camera

If you step outside the publications building door and look toward Kadavul temple, this is what you see. Directly overhead is a giant mango tree. In the distance are the red and white stripes on the side of the Kadavul temple wall.

The Remarkable Vision
Join this historic undertaking. Please contribute generously. Sponsor a stone today!

Monthly Report
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Iraivan Wonders

Sannyasin Yoginathaswami loads up more stones for the silpis.

This is a piece of the 12th course which is being worked on now.

As the temple structure is moving “outward” there is no danger that tools that might drop would damage stone carving at the lower levels. For this reason Sthapati has decided we no longer need to place sand outside. Thus several courses of stone are fully visible.

The outer pieces of the 12 course are somewhat smaller in dimensions.

Amazing… after years of visualizing the greatness of Gurudeva’s vision, having only seen such things in temples in India built 100’s of years ago and in books, it is a bit mind boogling to even those close to the project to see this right here before our very eyes on Kauai!

Come on a pilgrimage and see this historic work in progress! Also don’t miss the wonderful article that ran in India Today in the India edition at the very end of today’s photo series. And the way it came is also interesting. Shankar Nathan, a Hindu man living on Kauai, received an email from his father in Chennai, who had just seen the most recent edition of Indai Today magazine there. He scanned the article and sent it to his son by email and then Shankar sent it to us. This article will be read by several hundred thousand people in India.

Golden Gate Mission

Golden Gate Mission
Namakarana Ceremonies

On Tuesday morning between 6:00am and 8:30 am at the Shiva Murugan Temple in Concord, California the Hindu religion received yet another wonderful family into its midst as the Ajaya family received their Namakarana Samsakara ceremony after years of preparations and study. Here is Hotranatha Ajaya, his wife Punita and daughters Devika andY atrika being blessed at a homa in the temple.

Each one inscribes their new Hindu name in the plate of rice as part of the ceremony.Hotranatha writes:


All Praise to our Satguru Parampara, and especially to our beloved Gurudeva and Bodhinatha.

It is done! We are Hindu through and through.

The people attending were: Kulapati Iraja and Kulamata Nilani Sivadas, Choladeva Chandranatha, Mythili Kumar (the children’s Bharatanatyam guru). So, we had three to give signatures on our samskara certificate.

It began at 6:00 am and ended about 8:30 or so. It was really incredible.”

“After the ceremonies were over, we went to our Kulapati’s home and spent the day and in the evening there was a small gathering of Saiva Siddhanta friends. It was a landmark day.

Enclosed are 3 pictures Iraja took during and after the ceremony. There are a lot more.

We wish to express our gratitude to Satguru Bodhinatha for giving us this great opportunity of being Saiva Hindus.

Aum Namah Sivaya,

Indian Ocean Dharmasala
Gurudeva’s spiritual center in the island country of Mauritius
in the Indian Ocean near South Africa

It is now a living tradition at the Spiritual Park. Every first Sunday of of the month, devotees from all over Mauritius do not want to miss the special Homa dedicated to Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapathi who reigns supreme in the Keralan style Mandapam. On Sunday the kutumbas Koothan, Moorghen and Manick welcomed many such nice devotees at the Park. One group from Vacoas, a town in the centre, came accompanied by their musicians. They sang beautiful devotional songs that uplifted everyone.

Lord Ganapati who loves fruits and sweets was really spoiled on that day. Most of the devotees brought home-made prasadum that were nicely offered at the feet of the huge Pancha Mukha Ganapathi… a feast too for the eyes of little children present …

Here is Kartigeyan Manick a member of Kulapati Koothan’s kutumba (extended family) chanting the sacred Ganesha mantra at the Homa. Hundreds of notes were burnt to the devas, higher beings of the inner worlds. Some devotees wrote their prayers on the spot.

This lady writing her prayer is Grihini Sarada Koothan from the south. She led a few nice devotional songs too.

Before the arthi, devotees shared very inspiring testimonies of how Lord Ganesha helped them out of difficulties. They talked about simple problematic situations that were solved and this really impressed those present with the understanding that Lord Ganesha is a real Being who manifests Himself for the well-being of the devotee.

These ladies have just taken the arthi and they come out of the Mandapam most happy and feeling good all over. Our TAKA photographer had them for an instant shot.

Prasadam was served by the ladies under ther mango grove. Many volunteers came forward to give a helping hand. For many, the Sunday Ganesha Homa is also the opportunity to perform some seva.

This is a nice couple from P�reyb�re, a luxury seaside resort in the north close to Grand Bay. Deven Utchanah and his wife Amita are coming to the Park for the first time. They are close relatives of Kulamata Premila and are happy to be in the midst of so many inspired devotees. Deven Utchanah is the Executive Director Network at Mauritius Telecoms.Their children Nimisha and Harshini are enrolled students in Himalayan Academy Saturday Master course seminars at the Dharmasala.

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our next Innersearch Travel-Study program will be held right here on the island of Kauai in the summer of 2002. It’s the first such program on the Garden Island since 1974! From July 17 to July 22 we will enjoy daily classes with the swamis, join in the annual Guru Purnima festival, be inspired by local culture, explore the lush tropical island in exciting and non-touristy ways, and more. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with meditations, seminars and sacred ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. Many have applied already, and there is a limit of 50 participants, so we recommend everyone apply as soon as possible. Interested? Please request an application from

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