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Condolences sent by the trustees of the Sri Siddhi Vinayagar Temple, Hearning, Denmark, where a community of Sri Lankans live and carry on the traditions:

[original in Tamil]

“The message of Sri Lanka’s greatest sage, Yogaswami has been spread around the globe by his great thondar, Hawaii’s Subramuniyaswami who has now attained the Feet of Iraivan. His passage is the greatest of losses especially for the Hindus living in the west. The devotees were deeply sorrowful upon hearing this news. On behalf of the Hindus living in Denmark, we the Hindus of Sri Siddhi Vinayagar Temple send our deepest condolences.”

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
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Gurudeva’s statement on September 11th

Sri Sri Pramukh Swami Maharaj, head of the Swami Narayan fellowship whose sadhus have had a wonderful association with our own monastic order, offers this wonderful message:

“The first duty of all the disciples and sadhus of Gurudeva would be to follow every command of Gurudeva and keep on doing the great work he has been doing in letter and spirit. In Hinduism’s tradition the body dies but the spirit and consciousness of the person who has left the body will continue to guide. I would do special prayers personally for Gurudeva who has done great work. The same respect as was given to Gurudeva should be given to his chosen successor, Bodhinatha. Gurudeva’s spirit will continue to guide his successor. Whomsoever comes to his seat would be respected for his qualities of virtue and spiritual worth and not talent and capabilities. Gurudeva’s saintliness and spiritual values will continue to guide the whole sampradaya, this has been the tradition of Hinduism.”

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Academy student Stephanie Devi came on pilgrimage. She was on the last Innersearch with Gurudeva to Europe. Here Paramacharya Palaniswami shows her the beautiful proofs of the color version of Merging with Siva that is just wrapping up.

Sadhaka Tejadeva, who is usually outside with the Siddhidata Kulam was given a special task today to help with a mailing in the Ekadanta Kulam, this is the annual rededication package that is sent out to all of the sishya of Saiva Siddhanta Church. The purpose of the process is to give the members the opportunity to re-dedicate and thereby show Bodhinatha and the mathavasi that they are sincere in continuing their membership. If someone does not rededicate, this shows they would prefer to be on their own and they are dropped from the membership roles.

There is an amazing planetary conjunction happening… The Sun moved into Taurus today, to join the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Rahu. The only Vedic planet not in this alignment is Jupiter (the yellow saphire planet), who is just next door in the sign of Gemini.

One of India’s prominent astrologers, Gayatri Devi, daughter of the famous B.V. Raman, says of this alignment,
“On the day of the combination itself, no dire calamity will befall the world. But the months of May and June 2002 will not be peaceful for the world, “.

Chakrapani Ullal, the foremost Vedic astrologer in the USA wirites,
“One can see acts of sabotage, fire, accident, war-like tendencies, natural disasters, etc. One can see this in the months of April, May, June and July, in many countries of the world.
Naturally when this many planets are together with malefics like Mars, Saturn and Rahu, no doubt you can anticipate some fireworks.
While you are aware of the destructive nature of this planetary configuration, this combination also enhances the ability to think, and brings logic, diplomacy and strategy which will help anybody to survive. The combination increases the person’s ability to take challenges and does not allow them to feel defeated. Therefore, it makes the person rise to the occasion and fight it out and not get a sense of defeat, even when defeated. The Spirit becomes optimistic. While it gives tremendous experience in dealing with life, by making the person go through all kinds of difficult experiences, these very experiences enable the person to rise above the circumstances and become successful.”

This is the “Orchid Mandapam” where pilgrims and guests go for quiet time. Paper is provided for them to do their Vasana Daha Tantra with instructions on writing out the subconscious and then burning this in a pot that hangs from the rafter in the back left. To the right in the back one can look down and have a magnificent view of the river.

Around the mandapam we have hung on banners, at Gurudeva’s request, the 12 beliefs of Saivism. This one says:

“Saivites believe that each soul is created by Lord Siva and is identical to Him and that this identity will be fully realized by all souls when the bondage of anava, karma and maya is removed by His grace. Aum.”

Then one can sit quietly and merge with Siva in the form of nature.

Elsewhere on the far side of the San Marga land our Ficus Religiosa tree is doing well and slowly gaining in stature. It is planted at the very end of the Path of San Marga, beyond the Swayambhu Lingam shrine on the top edge of the hill that stretches down to the river. Also known as the Bo tree, or the “peeple” tree, it is the same species as the one that Buddha sat under when he achieved enlightenment and under which he was buried in India. This tree was planted by a visting priest of the Shingon Buddhist sect, who served at a Buddhist temple here on Kauai briefly before returning to Japan. Unlike Zen Buddhism, Shingon Buddhism retains a wealth of practices that stem from Vedic/Agamic days when Buddhism was still a part of Hinduism in India. They have Dancing Siva and Ganesha images in their temples and also they perform fire worship and burn prayers.

One day many decades from today, this tree will be a huge landmark on the temple land.

The Remarkable Vision
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Iraivan Wonders

More stones for the upper course stand ready for hoisting up to the temple site. These are massive pieces weighing several tons. Our forklift just barely manages the job. Everyday progress is being made.

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our next Innersearch Travel-Study program will be held right here on the island of Kauai in the summer of 2002. It’s the first such program on the Garden Island since 1974! From July 17 to July 22 we will enjoy daily classes with the swamis, join in the annual Guru Purnima festival, be inspired by local culture, explore the lush tropical island in exciting and non-touristy ways, and more. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with meditations, seminars and sacred ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. Many have applied already, and there is a limit of 50 participants, so we recommend everyone apply as soon as possible. Interested? Please request an application from

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