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Gurudeva’s Statement — Attack on America

Yesterday was the final day of Skanda Shasti. (No TAKA was posted) This is always one of our favorite festivals as it is focused on inner sadhana and spiritual growth. In the morning we had a homa and a wonderful Muruga Abhishekam…. See picture at below after we continue our story of Gurudeva’s passage.
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picked at random from Gurudeva’s vast audio archives

On November 15th the day after Gurudeva’s ashes were returned to the Aadheenam a special Ekadasa Kumbha Puja and homa was performed by our wonderful young priest Jahahan. The goal was to invoke Gurudeva himself as we interred his ashes in a special meditation chamber that is situated behind the Lord Nataraja in the Kadavaul Siva temple.

Sri Rudram was chanted eleven times along with elaborate mudras, as each of the eleven kumbhas was empowered. Despite the ceremony lasting 5 hours… everyone was mesmerized and completely lifted into the Third World.

Janahan has many beautiful mudras that certainly do invoke a lot of power and shakti as he “does his work.”

He also has a lovely way of engaging the temple devotees in the puja by explaining as he goes what is happening and also having everyone chant in unison certain mantras throughout. In the center of the Kumbha were a set of sacred sandals, representing Gurudeva himself… During the long ceremony one of the monks penned these sonnets:


“All that is happening is good,” you spoke,
“All that is happening is meant to be.”
Then what of countless hearts your death just broke?
What of the you that devotees called “me”?

Today, as you decreed, we chant old rites
Interring your remains near Siva’s shrine.
Then what to do tomorrow when dawn lights
A world awash in tears of love like mine?

No morrow troths a glimpse of your sweet face,
No child unborn will see your spirit soar.
Then what to tell the future of your grace,
Sans their impeaching it as fancied lore?

Perhaps just this: “Love lived and walked on Earth
To guide us all beyond feigned death and birth.”

The magic moment came when Janahan asked Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami to perform the abhishekam to Gurudeva’s sandals. Later many devotees gaves testimony:

–“I could feel Gurudeva arrive! It was as if he had returned home.

–“I feel as if Gurudeva were there dancing, joyful and happy.”

–“I have only known Gurudeva in his serious aspect… I don’t know if this is even proper to think but I felt as if he was flexing his new inner body, like a young child, joyful and happy in his new inner realm and then suddenly I could see him and then behind him, each of the Gurus, Yogaswami, Chellapaswami all the way back to Lord Siva. Then I realized, this is not just a Guru, personality, but a living Parampara.

Now, back to yesterday’s festival… Skanda Shasti… The large Vel placed in front of the homa representing Lord Muruga. It was made in India years ago and stands near the Muruga shrine in Kadavul Hindu temple.

The fire is raised and the power transferred to the water pots in front, which will then be poured over Lord Muruga during the puja.

Another sonnet that was written during the installation of the ashes ceremony on the 15th.:

Joy fills us now to see ten thousand biers
Carried to Siva’s burning ground, on each
A guru past whose devotees shed tears
In torrents like our own, sorrow’s moist speech.

Torrential, too, our dedications flow,
Their force effacing all our sloth and fear,
To flood dry fields where future souls may sow
Your mystic teachings these next thousand years.

Our vow is this: to never cease your work,
But shout it from the rooftops, as did you,
To shine your light where darker things may lurk
And teach the Self within ’til our time’s through.

We fall together at your Gracious Feet
In thanks for light so bright, for life so sweet.

During Gurudeva’s fast, it had been raining and stormy every day. After his cremation suddenly the weather cleared up and days are bright and full of color. We can’t help think that this must reflect the new realm in which Gurudeva has passed. High above and within us, free and yet so close, as close are our thought and our heart beat.

After the Skanda Shasti Homa, there followed the always amazing milk abhishekam to the gorgeous murthi of Lord Subramaniya in our temple.

To witness the milk abhishekam of Lord Muruga is perhaps one of the high points of spiritual life. It is something one cannot explain… the electric presence, of the Pure Being of Light radiates in all directions…

In our Saivite Tamil tradition, Lord Muruga is specially beloved and has a mystical connection with the spirit of the Guru. This is beautifully sung by Siva Yogaswami in this song about Lord Muruga, and reminds us of what is important:

“Constant repetition of His name, the remembrance of the
might of His Lance, and the insignia of the Holy Ash will
surely lead an aspirant to the awareness that the bloom
of Siva shall blossom in self–chant Vêl, Vêl.

Recall to your consciousness, the holy Feet of the Guru,
and you will lack nothing, but enjoy sweet content.
He is a true devotee who fills the fountain of his heart with
love and selfless service, and seeks the company of the just
and faithful, who are noted for their virtuosity and integrity–
chant Vêl Vêl.

Thus shall one attain the delectable fulfilment of a life of firm
resolve and resolute action. It is the experience of serene
felicity at the Feet of God–chant Vêl Vêl.

We go into a two day retreat now, so stay tuned to next phase when we will conclude with the last coverage of the powerful installation ceremonies of Gurudeva’s ashes in the Kadavul Hindu temple.

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Iraivan Wonders

While work continues on Kauai and the arrival of 5 more containers is imminent we bring you now some more wonderful pictures from Bangalore, India. Here are the famed “Lion Pillars” being carved that will support the three side meditation gopurams that surround the main sanctum.

These are massive pieces an beautifully carved.

On the right the chief architect, V. Ganapati Sthapati contemplates carefully some of the surfaces….

Now, draws around a template, with years of experience by behind his hands, a lovely pattern unfolds on the stone.

The resident sthapati, Chidambaram, watchs over his shoulder as Ganapati Sthapati gives directions that he and the silpis will fulfill with the actual carving work.

Please! Help build Iraivan Temple, sponsor one of these wonderful pillars. There are only six of these incredible pieces, each one can be sponsored for $90,000.00. Think, what better use of your funds than to invest in a project that will last 1000 years and inspired millions of Hindus for generations to come!

Innersearch postponed

Due to the horrific tragedies of September 11th, Himalayan Academy has indefinitely postponed the Canadian Innersearch scheduled to leave next July. Please be assured, we will re-schedule the Innersearch, but only when the present insecurity around the world settles down. Until then, if you are planning to go on a future Innersearch program, continue to set aside a little income each month in a special fund.

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