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The Sixth Dimension and the Shum Perspective, Part 2


If you are trying for Self-Realization the sixth dimension, can be a side track. The idea is to get above that dimension into the seventh and establish yourself firmly in Self-Realization before you learn about what's going on in the sixth dimension, the world of the devas. "...the Advaita principle that nothing exists outside of themselves, and even the Gods, the saints and Deities are nothing more and nothing less than the highest aspects of their own being." All attainments are within each soul to be eventually manifested. Gurudeva's visions of Lord Murugan from "Guru Chronicles."

Good morning everyone.

This morning we're continuing our series on Gurudeva's writings on The Seven Dimensions of the Mind and this is the sixth dimension, part two, short.

"The superconscious plane of the sixth dimension is situated at the third eye or anja chakra. The inner mechanism of the human aura, the inner mechanism of thought forms, the inner mechanism of the astral plane and the superconscious body of light are all within this sixth dimension. The forces and rays of actinic energy, the various breakdowns of magnetic energy, the rays of the actinic force fields radiating out from the seventh dimension, and the rays of the odic magnetic force fields issuing forth from the third and fourth dimensions all come together within the six dimension in a tremendous intensity. The sixth dimension is therefore the heart of the generative and regenerative function of intelligence of man, whereas the fifth dimension actually governs all intelligence.

"Before Self Realization has been attained, the sixth dimension can be a fascinating pitfall or an endless involvement for this life. For that reason in earlier years I taught devotees to avoid contacting that dimension and to concentrate fully on their realization. Otherwise, they would have become interested and involved in the same way one can get involved in the astral plane of the third dimension and never get far beyond it other than intellectually. Therefore, I taught disciples to establish themselves firmly in the fourth dimension, touch occasionally into the fifth dimension and then move directly into the very pure seventh. Only after someone was very well stabilized in the non-dual experience of Self Realization and a life style of sadhana then and only then were they allowed to investigate the world of the devas, for then any experience is viewed as merely another aspect of themselves and not a 'something else,' a being greater than themselves."

That's how all of the older monks were trained. Shum, simshumbisi, kaif. Skip everything in the middle there. So straight into pure awareness aware only of itself. And we can see that you know there are some groups that focus on both of these patterns, delving into the astral is more the spiritualism, aware of individuals on the astral plane who don't have physical bodies, being able to communicate with them, some people are very skilled at that and if you're trying for Self Realization that can be a side-track, shall we say, if you're seriously involved in it. And the same with the sixth dimension, the beings in the sixth dimension, and we can become fascinated, we, into the sixth dimension and seeing these beings. And that can again become a side track and because it's so fascinating we don't try and go deeper. And the idea is to get above that dimension into the seventh dimension and establish yourself firmly in Self Realization before you learn more about what's going on in the sixth dimension.

"However, aspirants are stronger in their sadhana. They are able to relate to the devas and individual entities with vast influences while simultaneously holding the advaita principle that nothing exists outside of themselves, and even the gods, the saints and Deities are nothing more and nothing less than the highest aspects of their own being. An aspirant, contacting Deities or communicating with space beings is merely touching into deeper parts of himself that were always there even when he could not actually make contact. By acquainting himself with the Deities, he is drawing forth those profound qualities which the Deity represents--awakening from one perspective, those qualities within."

An example of that is in Gurudeva's talk: "The Clear White Light." Talking about, it reads something like: Occasionally an aspirant in meditation may peer into the face of a great Master. He should know that he is looking at his own great potential.

This is an important point that I became aware of, the Yogaswami groups that I visited in various parts of the world, over the years, it was always the same that there was Yogaswami up on the pedestal, who, the great yogi, the great guru and here we are down here, the simple devotee. And the ideas that the qualities that Yogaswami had awakened in himself were within the devotees was not in their mind. They were always just the simple devotee, Yogaswami was the Master and there was no way they were going to become like Yogaswami. But that's the idea, that's what Gurudeva's saying here that we don't want to lock into the idea that this being has a great attainment that we will never have because all the attainments are within each soul to be eventually manifested.

And, we're ready for the stories. These are from "Guru Chronicles" thinking about Gurudeva's visions of Lord Murugan.

"One story has to do with the founding of Kadavul Hindu Temple in Hawaii in 1973. Nataraja bronze had recently arrived from India and Gurudeva was wondering where in the building to put it. That night in a vision, Gurudeva's third eye opened to see Lord Murugan, who upturned His glistening vel, His scepter of spiritual discernment, and powerfully pounded its point three times on the cement steps at the monastery entrance, marking the precise spot to place the Deity. Lord Murugan's orders were obeyed. On March 12, the Deity was moved into place and worship began immediately."

For those who don't know that's why there's a vel on the, on the peedam of Nataraja to remind us of that vision. And, very appropriate that the place where the Deity was put was the front entrance to the building. So when this was in it's original form, of course, this wasn't here, the temple and this was the front steps. So, the Deity claimed the front entrance and then the monks had to go around to the side entrance and be the servants of the Deity. Keep us humble, no main entrance anymore.

"Gurudeva had another vision of Lord Muruga, known in North India as Karttikeya, around the same time. One early morning in his small chalet next to the Tiruvadi Monastery in San Francisco, adjacent to the temple on Sacramento Street, Gurudeva had a vision that brought Lord Murugan even further to the forefront of his order's life. Suddenly, he found himself flying with a handsome, muscular being around the monastery room. Gurudeva later told the monks that he had asked the powerful being who he was, and received the reply, 'If you don't know, who does?' He knew, it was Murugan Himself."

And some of the monks also had visions of Lord Murugan in the San Francisco monastery when the Murugan murti was still there before it moved over to the Concord temple.

Then we have two Shum words from the sixth dimension.


Psychic abilities of seeing into distance places.


1) Inner light that arrives without forethought or sadhana.

2) Defining the area or point of transition when the experience of inner light comes strongly without preparation while in external consciousness.

3) Reaction to numerous experiences causes a shift of consciousness and the inner takes over completely.

Sounds good for a short presentation. We'll move on to the fifth dimension next time.

Have a wonderful day.

[End of transcript.]

Unedited Transcript:

Good morning everyone.

This morning we're continuing our series on Gurudeva's writings on The Seven Dimensions of the Mind and this is the sixth dimension, part two, short.

"The superconscious plane of the sixth dimension is situated at the third eye or anja chakra. The inner mechanism of the human aura, the inner mechanism of thought forms, the inner mechanism of the astral plane and the superconscious body of light are all within this sixth dimension. The forces and rays of actinic energy, the various breakdowns of magnetic energy, the rays of the actinic force fields radiating out from the seventh dimension, and the rays of the odic magnetic force fields issuing forth from the third and fourth dimensions all come together within the six dimension in a tremendous intensity. The sixth dimension is therefore the heart of the generative and regenerative function of intelligence of man, whereas the fifth dimension actually governs all intelligence.

"Before Self Realization has been attained, the sixth dimension can be a fascinating pitfall or an endless involvement for this life. For that reason in earlier years I taught devotees to avoid contacting that dimension and to concentrate fully on their realization. Otherwise, they would have become interested and involved in the same way one can get involved in the astral plane of the third dimension and never get far beyond it other than intellectually. Therefore, I taught disciples to establish themselves firmly in the fourth dimension, touch occasionally into the fifth dimension and then move directly into the very pure seventh. Only after someone was very well stabilized in the non-dual experience of Self Realization and a life style of sadhana then and only then were they allowed to investigate the world of the devas, for then any experience is viewed as merely another aspect of themselves and not a 'something else,' a being greater than themselves."

That's how all of the older monks were trained. Shum, simshumbisi, kaif. Skip everything in the middle there. So straight into pure awareness aware only of itself. And we can see that you know there are some groups that focus on both of these patterns, delving into the astral is more the spiritualism, aware of individuals on the astral plane who don't have physical bodies, being able to communicate with them, some people are very skilled at that and if you're trying for Self Realization that can be a side-track, shall we say, if you're seriously involved in it. And the same with the sixth dimension, the beings in the sixth dimension, and we can become fascinated, we, into the sixth dimension and seeing these beings. And that can again become a side track and because it's so fascinating we don't try and go deeper. And the idea is to get above that dimension into the seventh dimension and establish yourself firmly in Self Realization before you learn more about what's going on in the sixth dimension.

"However, aspirants are stronger in their sadhana. They are able to relate to the devas and individual entities with vast influences while simultaneously holding the advaita principle that nothing exists outside of themselves, and even the gods, the saints and Deities are nothing more and nothing less than the highest aspects of their own being. An aspirant, contacting Deities or communicating with space beings is merely touching into deeper parts of himself that were always there even when he could not actually make contact. By acquainting himself with the Deities, he is drawing forth those profound qualities which the Deity represents--awakening from one perspective, those qualities within."

An example of that is in Gurudeva's talk: "The Clear White Light." Talking about, it reads something like: Occasionally an aspirant in meditation may peer into the face of a great Master. He should know that he is looking at his own great potential.

This is an important point that I became aware of, the Yogaswami groups that I visited in various parts of the world, over the years, it was always the same that there was Yogaswami up on the pedestal, who, the great yogi, the great guru and here we are down here, the simple devotee. And the ideas that the qualities that Yogaswami had awakened in himself were within the devotees was not in their mind. They were always just the simple devotee, Yogaswami was the Master and there was no way they were going to become like Yogaswami. But that's the idea, that's what Gurudeva's saying here that we don't want to lock into the idea that this being has a great attainment that we will never have because all the attainments are within each soul to be eventually manifested.

And, we're ready for the stories. These are from "Guru Chronicles" thinking about Gurudeva's visions of Lord Murugan.

"One story has to do with the founding of Kadavul Hindu Temple in Hawaii in 1973. Nataraja bronze had recently arrived from India and Gurudeva was wondering where in the building to put it. That night in a vision, Gurudeva's third eye opened to see Lord Murugan, who upturned His glistening vel, His scepter of spiritual discernment, and powerfully pounded its point three times on the cement steps at the monastery entrance, marking the precise spot to place the Deity. Lord Murugan's orders were obeyed. On March 12, the Deity was moved into place and worship began immediately."

For those who don't know that's why there's a vel on the, on the peedam of Nataraja to remind us of that vision. And, very appropriate that the place where the Deity was put was the front entrance to the building. So when this was in it's original form, of course, this wasn't here, the temple and this was the front steps. So, the Deity claimed the front entrance and then the monks had to go around to the side entrance and be the servants of the Deity. Keep us humble, no main entrance anymore.

"Gurudeva had another vision of Lord Muruga, known in North India as Karttikeya, around the same time. One early morning in his small chalet next to the Tiruvadi Monastery in San Francisco, adjacent to the temple on Sacramento Street, Gurudeva had a vision that brought Lord Murugan even further to the forefront of his order's life. Suddenly, he found himself flying with a handsome, muscular being around the monastery room. Gurudeva later told the monks that he had asked the powerful being who he was, and received the reply, 'If you don't know, who does?' He knew, it was Murugan Himself."

And some of the monks also had visions of Lord Murugan in the San Francisco monastery when the Murugan murti was still there before it moved over to the Concord temple.

Then we have two Shum words from the sixth dimension.


Psychic abilities of seeing into distance places.


1) Inner light that arrives without forethought or sadhana.

2) Defining the area or point of transition when the experience of inner light comes strongly without preparation while in external consciousness.

3) Reaction to numerous experiences causes a shift of consciousness and the inner takes over completely.

Sounds good for a short presentation. We'll move on to the fifth dimension next time.

Have a wonderful day.

Photo of  Gurudeva
Attachment, for instance, holds our cells together; it is also the root of much suffering, for attachment to material objects or people keeps man's awareness externalized, incapable of expressing itself in full freedom.