Results for: world
Three Worlds - This is Religion
Satguru Sivaya SubramuniyaswamiGiven On: 1977-09-20
Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami explains how Saivism brings the beings of the Three Worlds together. He explains how they...
How the Major Religions View God
Beliefs about sacred matters God, soul and cosmosare essential to ones approach to life. As you will see...
Gurudeva at World Political and Religious Conferences
a. For five days in 1988 Gurudeva met with spiritual and political leaders at Oxford University, bringing the...
Accepting and Facing Challenges
Satguru Bodhinatha VeylanswamiGiven On: 2012-03-13
Having a sense of who we are, fulfilling the dharma of that person, we're motivated to do certain...
Importance of Associations; Hinduism In the Technological Era
Satguru Bodhinatha VeylanswamiGiven On: 2012-02-22
Many people end up in the state of mind that we should be doing something else. Accept reincarnation...
The Many Benefits of Temple Worship
Satguru Bodhinatha VeylanswamiGiven On: 2011-10-13
The most important teaching of Gurudeva: "Siva's followers strive for God Realization as the first and foremost goal of life." Gurudeva's mystic and psychic abilities. Gurudeva is the only teacher in...
God, Soul and World - What Is Hinduism? Pilot
This pilot episode of our new educational video series is based on Chapter Three of the book "What Is Hinduism?"...
April/May/June 2010 Issue Summary
The Editor-in-Chief of Hinduism Today magazine highlights the features of the April/May/June 2010 issue. An Interfaith gathering f...