Results for: sat

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How to Become a Hindu

Here are true histories of individuals and families who formally entered Hinduism over the years. The tales illustrate...

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Saiva Dharma Shastras

Saiva Dharma Sastras is a potent edict, an irrevocable commission to my Acharya successors, detailing their future duties...

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Holy Orders of Sannyas

A religious covenant between a sannyasin—one who has renounced the world in service to God Siva—and the divine...

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What Is Hinduism?

Since 1979 the international magazine HINDUISM TODAY has been producing a treasury of educational features on all aspects...

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Testament of Truth

A rich compendium of the life, utterances and teachings of one of the 20th century's greatest Hindu mystics...

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Words of Our Master

Yogar Swamigal was perhaps the greatest of the mystics that lived iin recent times. He was immaculate in...

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The Tirumantiram, literally "Holy incantation," is the Nandinatha Sampradaya's oldest Tamil scripture, written ca 200 bce by Rishi Tirumular....

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Hinduism's Nandinatha Sutras

A modern compilation of 365 verses summarizing the tradtional way to enlightenment for followers of God Siva.

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Hinduism: The Greatest Religion in the World

Hinduisms venerable age has seasoned it to maturity. It is the only religion, to my knowledge, which is...